Have you ever thought of reducing your procrastination habit rather than justifying it. You know it a uphill task. You're always busy with something. People are always getting your attention. There is never have enough hours in the day.So how do you deal with procrastination. Firstly, you need to understand that procrastination is a habit. All habits good or bad  are driven by unconscious personality traits and emotional needs.

Some useful indicators that will help you know when you’re procrastinating:

* Working on low priority
* Going Reading e-mails several times a day without an agenda.
* Too many coffee breaks.
* Putting off important things to do right now.
* Waiting for the “right mood” or the “right time” to tackle the important task at hand.

Why you procrastinate can depend on both you and the task. But it's important to understand which of the two is relevant in a given situation, so that you can select the best approach for overcoming your reluctance to get going.

If you want to beat any self-defeating pattern of behavior - procrastination included - it's essential to be aware of your personality style. Once you're aware, change is easier. Not simple, but easier.

Get Healthy
If you are have trouble starting a task, you might be tired or hungry. Half the time the reason you cannot get started on something is because you are fatigued. When you don’t get enough sleep or haven’t eaten well. The smallest of task can be excessive hard to work on then it really are. You body and mind works it best when you are well rested and nourished.

Short Duration
When you have a really hard time getting started on a project. Try working on it for just 5 minute. Once the 5 minutes is up. You can choose to stop what you are doing or continue. The idea is to set your work in motion. Most of the time once you start it is hard to stop.

Do You Need A Doctor
If you your procrastination is affecting your professional or domestic life. It maybe time to seek some help from a professional. The key concern in working with any type of counseling professional is not to let the reason for your initial appointment expand into long term expensive and time consuming session. Unless you fee you need to. It your call.

Keep It To Yourself
There are time when it makes sense to simply hole up yourself to give your task the full attention. Your aim is to stay with what you chose to do at that time and let the rest go. This technique is useful when you have a lot on your hand. And you cannot find time to work on a specific task.

Motivating CDs
Listen to recorded programs on CD can help you work though bout of procrastination. It can give you insights to your current problem and find ways to work on it. The beauty of such a listen experience is that you get to pick what you want to hear. Sometime you might end up setting higher goals and stretching yourself further.

Reflect On Past Success
Think about all the time you have trouble getting started in the past. How did you over your procrastination. What was the end result ? How did you feel when you completed your work? Dig up letters of praise or thank you from work you have done in the past. When you find it hard to get started on a troublesome task. The simplest way to help kick start is to evoke the feeling of past successes.

Add Up The Cost
Procrastination comes with a price tag. It can be in mental form like anxiety or headaches. It can be monetary as well. Think of the amount of money you stand to lose if you put off you work. How much will it be? The psychic cost is greater. What is the cost of regarding yourself as unproductive or lazy. It might cause you to avoid other types of challenges because you fear you might procrastinate to the same degree.

Clear Your Desk
Get into the habit of managing your desk because it will enhance your productivity. Cut through the clutter like a hot knife through butter. Having whatever you need in front of and a clear desk gives you additional energy, focus and direction. It allows you to complete you task faster.

Record Your Reasons
The next time you find yourself procrastinating. Take a tape record lay out the task as you understand it. Next talk about all the reasons why you cannot begin to work on it. Hours or day later, replay your recording. Most people find it painful to listen. You maybe shock, disgusted or simply amused by some of the hapless arguments that merit inaction.

Find Different Ways
There are many different way to work on a problem. Get creative. Ask a for help, suggestions or feedback.
Use visualization techniques. Go through the whole process in your mind. Allow your mind to find different approaches to your work.

Tick Tock Tick Tock
Our body has a natural rhythm. It will tell you when you need to have a break and stretch. It is a far more productive mode of working than relaying on a clock. Plan your day and the time needed to work on your task. But listen to your body. It knows best.

Author's Bio: 

Eddy writes about working on his bucket list . If you got a bucket list share with him at http://scrige.com/

If you like additional reading on this subject you can click on >>>How To Stop Procrastinating Right Now