What is a leader?

A leader is a soul who advocates for souls. It is not a big job. It is simply a job on Earth that is needed at this time. Leaders breathe life back to souls that have forgotten, bridging peoples souls back to them. Leaders will always have riddled conversations as souls will come to them with what they want, need and desire. There is nothing to want, need or desire. Souls will teach you how intricate human nature is. Leaders know when to speak and when not to speak at all. Why? Because a true leader simply states the truth and the truth does the work.

A leader speaks in love and love propels.

A leader lives in purity so that the example is taught without knowledge of even having done so.

Leadership is not telling people what to do. Leadership is allowing for love to take place and not control.

The purpose of leadership is to remind the souls of Earth that Earth belongs to all of us and we must share.

Leadership means building enough trust to do that.

Leaders that say they are great because they lead, have to ask the real question ... lead to what? Sometimes, people get to positions of leadership only to find that without love, there is a lot of lying and deceiving that goes on.

Earth is not a perfect world for it is filled with many types of people and it is filled with many adventures of the soul. For now, the souls are lost. Lead them to themselves. You will see the beauty in this movement of love on Earth as if all ill will that exists will erase itself.

Leadership is here, and it is awakening one soul, then two, then four, then eight, and it continues to awaken. It will not be without a fight. Yet a leader knows that ill will is always a stone’s throw away.

Do not keep your focus on what is happening, a great leader sees beyond that and the leader paves the way for the openings of love. Leaders... keep paving,teaching and creating the paths and the rest will follow and all disturbances will get lost along the way.

Leadership means knowing enough to know that you are not more important than any other soul. It is simply your job to carry souls to the next point of evolution.

So simple is the truth and so healing is the knowing that truth, and so rejuvenating it is to be able to live in the truth that you heal from, that you

Leadership happens in every aspect of life. If you are a president of a country, world leader, manager at a factory, team leader at a fast food restaurant or head of the family will are a leader. No one is to big or to small to be a great leader. Are you th

Author's Bio: 

Nadia Khalil is a teacher of accountability, growth and love. Through her books and writings she takes your soul on a journey of self discovery that will ultimately lead you to live in a state of utmost truth, love and purity.