Over the last few years many of us have heard of the elusive universal law. We’ve seen and heard many professionals in the field talk about ways of attracting the things we really want into our lives. People are now more aware of the universal law than at any moment in history. This information is being spread by the mass media and by the revolution of the internet. However these laws are in fact thousands of years old & were used in the past by many famous people including Confucius himself.
The one predominant theme which often runs through the law of attraction technique is attention to lack rather than what you really want. The law has been used by many in the past but very few have mastered it. The reason why so many of fail to attract good things into our lives when using this technique is because we tend to focus on what we don’t have.
By constantly thinking about what we don’t have we send out these negative vibes into the universe and we then get a mirror image back. In other words, if you’re constantly worried about not having enough money then you’ll continue to have a lack of money. It’s a strange thing, but we will attract the wrong things into our life just by thinking about them. In other words the universe focuses on your vibrational attitude and gives you exactly what you asked for i.e. less money & abundance.
Focusing on the negative all the time isn’t good for mental health. This is true as any mental health professional will tell you. But what they don’t tell you is that all this negativity can in fact ruin your life as it will only attract negative things in to your life.
In order to raise your vibrations you’ll need to get into the practice of appreciation and gratitude. People who are grateful for things in their life no matter how small they are will invariably attract more good things. These tend to build up and eventually one day they realize that they have finally arrived, they have the life they always wanted.
Some of us think we’re being punished by the universe. They believe that someone up there has it in for them. Some will think they’re cursed as everything in their life seems to go wrong. What you need to ask yourself in this case is whether your parents were open to the universal law. More than likely they weren’t and things didn’t go to well for them too & they passed this attitude on down to you.
The good news is that anyone can turn it all around in a very short period of time by using simple law of attraction tips. They can have all the things they’ve ever wanted if only they’d open their minds. The more you practice appreciation and gratitude the more you’ll become one with the universe. The more you struggle against something the odds are you won’t attain it. By changing your vibrational attitude you will eventually open the doors to the universal law and abundance and happiness will follow.
Dave Cleary has an interest in subliminal technology as way of changing our behavior so we heal & attract abundance into our lives. For more information on the use of Subliminal Messages visit: http://subliminalcd.net
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