This is a question I received from a reader some days ago.

He wanted to know about the best compliments to give to a woman and when to give them.

He told me in his email that he has heard so many times that complimenting a woman is a terrible thing that should never be done, but deep down, he felt that he wanted to give his girlfriend a compliment and to encourage her a little.

Here is my answer: I agree with you, complimenting a woman has always been a heavily discussed topic to which are many opinions.

Some “experts” would advise you to never do it, other would advise you to do it once a year!

I’m no expert, I’m just a guy who was lonely and found a way to find a girlfriend and now is sharing this way with the world.

This is my point on complimenting a woman: it depends on your level of confidence.

If you feel that you are just starting with her and that your level of self-confidence is low, simply don’t compliment her often or at least avoid it in the first two weeks.

I’m sorry to say this, but a lot of what you’ve read about commitments isn’t true, women do like compliments, but only when they are from a confident person.

If you compliment her and your level of confidence with her are very low, i.e., you fear she may leave you, you think she doesn’t like you, you may feel you are not bounding with her, then you are risking getting all these worries true.

Here is a strategy I’ve followed when I was just stating and I’ve read a few things about complimenting a woman: don’t compliment her the first week of knowing her at all, then tell her one sincere compliment when you know that you feel comfortable with her, let her have immense fun with you by being teasing and humorous with her, then after a month, tell her another compliment.

I don’t mean to sound complicated, but this strategy will work wonders with women you’ve just met.

Let’s talk about some few compliments you can tell a woman that will make her like you even more.

As I’ve told you before, your level of confidence needs to be high with her to compliment her easily, if you feel that your confidence maybe low or that it is hurting your progress, I think you will need to read a great article by Noah Alam, you will find the link bellow this post.

  • The first compliment that will work every time with women is related to their clothing and style.

One compliment women will hate is “you look beautiful!”

This is an awful compliment; instead, you need to change it with this one: “I really like this read skirt you are wearing tonight, it makes you look so nice”

Always be precise in your compliments.

You can use this one too: “what the perfume you are using?” when she answers you, tell her this: “I like its smell a lot”.

And that’s it, don’t add more, complimenting her dressing style or her perfume is like complimenting her indirectly and telling her that she is beautiful.

  • Another great compliment to say to a woman is when she does nice things to you, tell her it immediately, “I feel really good when I’m with you….”

However, don’t say it too many times; it will lose its effect and power.

Try to read this article too, it’s great: ways to make a woman happy

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Try to read these to realy know how to be the man women who knows how to communicate with women in an attractive way:
flirting techniques to seduce women
cocky and funny quotes