How To Delay Sperm During Intercourse: How To Make Sperm Come Out Late
If you've arrived at this article, the chances are that one or more of the following are true in your sex life;
- You are sick to the back teeth of coming too early during sex
- You're unable to control your climax any time you have sex with your partner
- Concerned that if you don't do something soon, your partner is going to look elsewhere for sexual satisfaction
If that's the case, then after reading this entire article, you will not only have some very useful information to put to use, but it won't cost you anything to implement. And you will see results faster than you think.
So, You Suffer From Premature Ejaculation?
Take serious comfort in the following facts;
- Premature ejaculation is one of the most common, yet least spoken about sexual dysfunctions in males.
- It takes on average 2-3 minutes of constant sexual stimulation to bring a male to climax. However, it takes 6-8 minutes of constant sexual stimulation for a female to orgasm.
So not only is your problem more commonplace than you first thought, but our sexual biology is against us because we can climax 3 times faster than our partner. Not so good...
Learn this one technique -- simple and easy for any man to use -- and not only will sex be more pleasurable for you, but you'll instantly become a better lover than 90% of the rest of the guys on the planet. Here's how to have sex more often -- and have her thank you for it
Some Tried and Tested Techniques to Last Longer In Bed
Relax Your Body - You will notice that the closer you come to ejaculating, the tighter your body muscles become, specifically your penis, lower stomach muscles and your gluteus maximus (also known as your butt cheeks).
You have to relax these muscles. Focus on relaxing the muscles as your climax gets closer. After some practice you will be able to last longer in bed with your partner, over time this will add minutes to your lasting power.
Relaxing your muscles also ties in with the next thing you need to do which relates to your breathing.
Slow Your Breathing Down - It is absolutely essential to get your breathing under control. Your breathing habits during sex are directly linked to the time it takes for you to ejaculate.
The easiest way to look at it is the faster you breathe, the faster you are going to climax.
Along with your muscles, focus on relaxing your breath, keep it slow and steady during sex.
Whatever you do, do not let your breathing go out of control, or your session is going to end early for both of you
Slow and deep breaths are the key here, stay relaxed, and you will easily be lasting longer in bed.
To Summarize
Control is the key here. Your breathing and your muscle tension are tied in to the length of time it will take you to climax.
If you get your muscles relaxed and your breathing under control, then you're going to be able to last longer in bed with your partner, which will not only please you, but will eventually allow your partner to have her orgasm too!
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover unusual techniques that give any woman multiple spine-tingling, electrifying, scream-your-name orgasms. There is a set of easy to follow techniques to become a master at intercourse itself -- and your woman will keep coming back for more and more. She'll be devoted to you for life. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here
Now a bonus tip that you will find useful if you want to make any woman orgasm fast...There exists a secret two-step method that underground seduction masters use to make any woman orgasm literally by COMMAND: details are at this website - How to Get a Woman to Orgasm
In this article you are going to discover some SEX SECRETS that most men will never know.
First off, let's discuss the truth about CLITORAL ORGASMS and why your woman wants so much more in the bedroom (even if she doesn't say so)...
Here are 3 huge reasons why clitoral orgasms aren't enough to totally SEXUALLY SATISFY your woman:
1. Your woman can 'get herself off' this way
We all know that when women masturbate they usually rub their clitoris.
So if the only way you make your woman come is to rub her clitoris -- you aren't really bringing anything new to the party.
If your woman rubs her clitoris during intercourse (like many women do), what she's basically saying is that you don't 'get her off', so she'll have to help herself.
Might sound harsh, but I only deal in the TRUTH.
2. She can only have one per 'sexual session'
After a woman climaxes, her clitoris usually becomes too sensitive to touch.
So if you only ever give your woman clitoral orgasms, you can forget about giving her MULTIPLE ORGASMS -- not going to happen (unless you get her off in a new way, but more on that later)
Are You 100% Sure That Your Woman Is Satisfied With Your Sexual Performance? Here is What Your Woman Desperately Wants From You… But Is Probably Afraid to Ask Because She Doesn't Want to Hurt Your Feelings
3. She knows she is capable of more
Even if your woman doesn't consciously know it, all women sub-consciously know that they are capable of experiencing more SEXUAL PLEASURE than just clitoral orgasms.
And until a woman gets this 'other sexual pleasure' that she knows she has the potential to experience -- she will always crave it and many women will CHEAT to try and get it.
"YES", women cheat.
In fact, 50% of women admit to having cheated at least once and very often the primary reason for being unfaithful was to GET BETTER SEX.
So the question you are probably asking yourself right now is:
"What type of sexual pleasure should I be giving my woman in order to totally sexually satisfy her?"
And that's a very good question.
Here's the answer...
Women are capable of having a huge amount of orgasms.
They can have vaginal, squirting, nipple and anal orgasms. Heck, women can even have 'mindgasms', brought on with only mental stimulation.
And One Last thing...
If you want to become the man of choice for ANY woman in bed, you MUST increase your sexual stamina. With just a LITTLE effort you can gain the power to last ALL night long...and in my experience, the rewards are worth their weight in orgasmic gold for the both of you!
You want to be able to make your woman squirt and shake with pleasure. You want to give her an orgasm that is out of this world. Learn more from this helpful site on how you can make her squirt today!
You can become the best she has ever had and you can make that happen now. There is help so you can master female ejaculation and be the best.
You need to first cajole and pamper her with all the appreciation and compliments that you can think of to make her feel aroused partly.
You will have to begin this way as there is no other way with a girl if you wish to give multiple orgasms in just minutes.
Making her comfortable- Talk to her in a romantic manner and humor her simultaneously. Laugh and joke with her.
See that the place is comfortable enough for her to relax. Be the dependable guy who she would like to be with.
Touch and cajole her with love- She should not feel averse to your touch. Once you notice that she is comfortable with your hands over her clothed body and arms then only venture further.
Necking and petting- While necking and petting her, whisper some love words and sweet nothings into her ear. Nudge her at the neck and ears with your face and mouth.
You don't have to be brilliant, good-looking, or well-endowed to have her think you're a sex god... you just have to be 'dumb' enough to follow these step-by-step instructions
Reach out for the thighs- Run your fingers down to the thighs and massage them gently. Simultaneously kiss her on the mouth in one of your passionate styles.
You may also allow your fingers to drift between the thighs to gently touch the vaginal area.
The breasts and nipples- The breasts would have swollen with ecstasy by now. Stroke and massage them gently as you also tweeze the nipples which have hardened in response to your touch.
You should mouth the nipples in addition to taking them between the fingers and stimulating them.
The vaginal area- The vaginal lips have parted in their eagerness to be stroked and cajoled. The clitoris too is distinctly ready for stimulation.
Use the tongue and penis alternately with the fingers. Now stimulate the g spot as a final act to give her those multiple orgasms in just minutes.
Important Tip: If you really want to Satisfy Your Woman all night long, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can cause 2-4 explosive orgasms EVERY NIGHT! Go here now!
Now you can stop premature ejaculation and start giving her amazing sex... even if you have never lasted more than 2 minutes in bed! Visit Sexual Endurance for Men
There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do to achieve explosive sexual stamina. To find out more visit Sex Positions to Last Longer
Don't be fooled. No matter how much a girl may deny it, she likes oral sex. In fact she probably likes it a lot more than you do. What she doesn't like is a fool fiddling around down there with no clue as to what he is doing.
Nine out of ten women say that they avoid oral sex purely because the guy they are doing it with doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Being one of the few guys out there who knows how to perform and do it well will therefore immediately raise you above and beyond the average guy out there and will make her want to keep you that much more.
How to Make a Woman Climax with Oral Sex - Use These Killer Oral Techniques And Be Unstoppable!
Tip One - One tongue, five fingers. Guys have so many ways to pleasure a woman yet they focus on the tongue only, seeing it as the be all and end all of oral seduction. What they fail to realize is that it's not just about the tongue; it's about being versatile enough to use other attributes, as well. Fingers inserted carefully at opportune moments can make all the difference. Lips sucking just a little will make her quiver. Try out what you have to work with and if you're doing it with your girlfriend, ask her what she likes. I'm sure she will appreciate the effort.
In Less Than Two Hours... Sex Will Be Better Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. Here's How to Transform Your Sex Life!
Tip Two - What's your hurry? There should be no rush when it comes to making a girl orgasm; this is especially true with oral sex. Focusing exclusively on the most obvious areas, such as the clitoris isn't the most pleasing of ways you could be doing things. Showing her extra attention, by focusing on other areas, such as the labia and penetrating her with your tongue will go a long way to making her feel both special and extremely aroused.
Tip Three - Magic touch. Your fingers should never be neglected and should roam around her body with a sense of urgency that tells her how much you're enjoying what you're doing. Drag them across her breasts; gently fondling both before working your way down is a great way to increase her lust for you.
Tip Four - Pacing. You should never ever stop entirely. It is, however, a good idea to moderate your speeds, making sure that you slow down to build tension and speed up when she starts to complain. A steady repetition of speeding up and slowing down will bring her extremely close - so close in fact that it is possible to make her come almost at your whim.
Tip Five - Use "Voice Orgasm" Techniques. Believe it or not, your voice is actually a great weapon that can set you apart from other guys. Used effectively, the vibrations alone can be enough to stimulate her to climax. Used in conjunction with other methods will make her come explosively and ensure that she remembers you for a long time.
Bonus Tip: If you really want to satisfy your girl all night long, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can cause 2-4 explosive orgasms EVERY NIGHT! Visit How To Improve Sexual Stamina
You WILL give your girl MIND BLOWING orgasms with this technique so she won't be letting you get out of bed. Don't schedule any other activities for the day after.
Now you can make sex pleasurable again rather than something that causes you stress...she will love you more when you're better at pleasing her! Visit How to Please a Woman in Bed
There are specific techniques that will show you exactly
how to give your woman orgasms so powerful, she'll be devoted to you for life- Learn this orgasm-inducing skill that most guys -- and even a lot of women -- don't know about... Visit Sex Tactics to Satisfy a Woman to find out more.
Looking for love and sex can be challenging. Discuss your sex problems on our forum. We can help you find a great loving relationship! Go to: Sex Forum
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