Fake ids are a real issue these days for many retails who sell age-restricted services or items. If they unknowingly sell their article to a minor and get caught, they will be liable to a hefty fine and license cancellations. 

Hence to ensure that they don't have any losses, the alcohol servers and guards at clubs should know how to identify fake id cards.

Here is how they can do that  

Step 1: Look at the person giving you the card 

If the individual is handing over a fake id card by Topfakeid, the first noticeable sign would be that they wouldn't look directly at you, and if they do, they will try to have a conversation with you. The conversation is an attempt to take the authenticator's attention away from the card. 

Step 2: Attitude 

The person who is giving you a fake id will seem nervous or have a =n over-confident attitude. Their voice pitch, while talking, would be too high. When you ask them questions about the card, they will get angry and blame you for not buying the product. 

Step 3: Physical features 

If a minor is carrying someone else's id, they might not notice their physical attributes. The checker should carefully observe and try to match the physical attributes written on the card to that of the individual who gave you the card. 

Step 4: Feel the card. 

The checker should feel the card if there are any lumps or bumps on the card they should investigate around them. Minors ten try to replace pictures, they do it quite precisely, but if the check is sharp, they can catch the mistakes. 

Step 5: Ask the cardholder questions. 

Ask the cardholder questions that have been written on the card. One of the biggest tattle-tales is that most fake id holders don't tell the month of their birthday by name instead of the number of the month. Also, phony id holders will either avoid these questions or show anger or answer in a high pitched voice. However, the checker should not be intimated and ask as many questions as possible until they are sure.

Step 6: Check security features of the card 

Every state card has different security features. A checker should at least know the security feature of the cards of the state they work in.  Here are some features 

Microprint text 

This text on the card seems like a line, but on close observation, the notary should be able to make words written on the card. Mostly those words are genuine, authentic, or real.  

UV image
Each state card has a different UV image on it. The image is only visible once UV light is shined onto the card. The UV image can be a pattern, a state seal, a pattern, birthdate, code, or a ghost image of the cardholder.  However, to do this check, the authenticator will require a UV machine. 


The hologram on the card is only visible via reflection and requires a particular machine. Hence many fake id makers often miss this. 

Card layers 

There are 3-4 layers in each card that are bonded so tightly that the whole card would break down if opened. Hence if the notary feels they should try dissipating the card. If it separates, then the card presented is a fake id. 

If the card checker follows all these steps thoroughly, then they will be able to catch the fake ids. 


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