In this groundbreaking book, I'll wear a fascinating journey, from conception until the first years of life journey that reveals the mysterious process by which babies learn, understand, establish relationships with others, gain confidence in themselves and succeed. Understanding how the brain works, we can improve children's lives in many ways. Essential reading for all parents and people working with young children.
But I will put at your disposal and games that help develop children's intelligence, imagination and parental involvement.
Addition to this I'll learn how to cook healthy for your baby until he reached the age of 6 years.
Through these books I'll show you how to know your child as you grow and how to care for him. Chear and unless you know you'll get used to the idea that parents have to explain everything and what you should do.
Below is a small article in the book about how to play with your child, but remember this is only a small morsel of what this package contains:
Play and Learning.

usually young children learn laugh. no difference for him to have fun and learn. That's why he always wants to be active and when they learn chear. that's why it predicts the games you have in mind first are pleased to entertain, to train, then create a good condition to allow the development of capacities of children. The game is essential role in development. It is proof of its good physical health, mental and intellectual ...............

I'll show you two of the 200 games they have this book:
Missing book

take five or six cards (preferably books with figures) and lie face up to look at them for a few seconds. Then after she closed her eyes and remove one of the cards stirring. He has to guess which card is gone. then you gradually increase the number of books. This game helps visual memory.
Shadow Play

baby sit a wall lighted by a lamp placed behind it. In this way, standing behind or projecting objects. The game consists in identifying the objects that she sees shadows. Gradually, you can make the game more complex, presenting some objects or vice versa putting them in front of such lamp shade.
Do not forget to say this is a small part of which it is in addition to this book is only one of them. And it is a bonus. Will you find the following books: Raising Caring and your baby, Racipes Health For A Baby, How to be the expert in 30 minutes sleeping, Pregnancy, 24 articles about babies.

here you will find this books :

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