Whether you're a man whose girlfriend has decided to end your relationship, or you're a woman whose man has chosen to end it, this article was intended to help you.

If your ex won't see sense, if they won't listen, if they won't return your calls and if you're not even sure what happened, then your life is probably in turmoil at the moment and you feel confused, hurt, angry and a whole host of other emotions. Whether you're a woman or a man, a break-up can shake your whole sense of desirability, confidence, self-respect and self-identity as a woman or man who is successful in attracting a mate. Above all, you probably feel the need to fix the problem and, more importantly, you want to get your ex back.

Worry not... two things I need to tell you right now are: It's not your fault and There is hope. Let me reassure you that there is a way and you can get your man or woman to come back by applying some truly potent strategies and techniques.

What can you do to get your ex back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

How can I be sure of this? Well, I've not only been there myself and managed to save my own relationship, but I have helped others with the same strategies and techniques. So I hope that what I have to share with you will not only give you practical tips and advice, but will also inspire you.

First Off, Don't Panic

If you're going through a break-up now or have just gone though a recent break-up that your lover/boyfriend/girlfriend initiated and you want to stop it or make them come back to you, then you need to bear in mind a couple of things.

Firstly, as I mentioned already, a break-up is a very emotional experience (for both parties) and saying and doing the wrong things out of desperation, anger or neediness can be very damaging and make things worse.
Secondly, this isn't something that's happened at the drop of a hat. Your "ex" has probably been thinking about it and mulling over it for a while because they don't think they feel for you any more. I emphasis the words "they don't think they feel for you" - remember, you got together in the first place because you are naturally the type of person they are attracted to - they just don't see it right now.

For both of these reasons, you need to keep a clear head and bear in mind that stopping the break-up or getting them to want you back is going to need a strategy and not one single act or statement - a "but honey, I love you" just won't cut it. Believe me, I know from personal experience, you'll come across as pitiful rather than the object of love and you'll regret it afterwards.

Bottom line, acting out of panic will only confirm to your boyfriend or girlfriend that they're making or made the right decision, will push them further away and is in the long run very damaging.

What Are the Signs of Panic in Stopping a Break-Up?

So how do you know if you're doing the wrong things out of panic? Well that's simple - if you've done any of the following then please, please stop!

1. Sending dozens of text messages (and getting none back)

2. Calling again and again on the phone (when they clearly don't want to speak)

3. Leaving dozens of voicemail messages (and not getting a call back)

4. Turning up at their door or their place of work unannounced

5. Arranging to accidentally "bump into them"

6. Stalking to see who they're seeing & what they're doing

7. Trying to get them to explain what happened

8. Trying to get them to come back because you "love them" and "can't live without them"

9. Arguing over "but you said this and I said that and you did this and I did that"

10. Contacting their friends and family

11. Anything else that you know deep down inside in the pit of your stomach you're going to regret

So How Do You Get Your Ex Back?

I'm going to repeat what I said just earlier. What you need is a strategy. No one step is going to turn the situation around. That said, you do need to take one simple step first.

It's counter-intuitive and will almost certainly seem crazy at first, but it will set the scene for putting your strategy in motion. Remember, acting with a knee-jerk reaction will push your boyfriend or girlfriend away even further, so here's what you do when they break the news that they don't want to be with you anymore.

What if your boyfriend already left you? Here's how to get him back.

You calmly and coolly agree with them with something like "I agree" and almost over-playing it and taking it one step further, you say "I must admit, I've been thinking the same for a while now and breaking up is probably the best thing to do."

Sounds crazy doesn't it? Believe it or not these words are way more potent than acting out of desperation, which is counter-productive. You're doing three things with these simple words:

1. You're throwing them off-balance - this is probably something they didn't expect and secretly they'll be the one in the "why? what did I do wrong?" head space instead of you

2. You're not damaging your own status by putting yourself in a weak panicky position

3. You're setting the scene for the next steps to getting your ex to want you back

What if You're Past That?

Most likely, by the time you're reading this article, you're already past that world shattering revelation. You have already broken up and you already did some of the panicky things we covered earlier. If that's the case then don't worry, you can still make good. All you have to do is to write a very short, handwritten note outlining:

1. You've been thinking about the whole thing and you agree, you should break-up and it's for the best

2. Briefly apologise but if and only if you did something wrong that you should apologise for

3. Tell them something exciting has happened in your life and you'd like to tell them some time, but you appreciate they need some space right now

4. Close with maybe some time you can be friends

Remember, this is the first step. Although it may intuitively seem like you're doing and saying the wrong thing to get your ex back, it's designed as a more successful approach and ensures that at the very least you stand a chance.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

When you were in a committed relationship, you had no problem ogling the hotties that walked by as if you were a CIA agent peering through your infrared glasses. When your ex asked you where you wanted to eat you were oblivious and said yes, I have two left feet. Well the shoe is on both of your other feet now that you're broken up because you can't help but give your ex attention, the question is should you?

Step 1: You'll Have To: If you want your ex back, the fact of the matter is that you'll have to give them attention. You might think they'll just come stumbling back to you but in actuality, you'll probably have to fire the first shot.

Step 2: Limited Attention: Your ex will be fond of this new attention, as long as it's in small doses. Overdose your ex with love suffocation and they'll soon be logging onto Legal Zoom to draft a restraining order. Besides, you want the courting process to be more of a give and take so 'give' some attention then 'take' a break.

Step 3: Positive Attention: We should probably clarify, it's good to give your ex attention as long as it falls under the positive scope. You could dump red paint on him or her and yell out what an unfaithful ogre they are but that's really not going to be healthy for anybody.

What if he has moved on? Here's how to get him back.

Step 4: Unexpected Attention Goes Miles: Even though you're split up, they'll be expecting flowers on Valentine's Day or at least a card on their birthday but come up with something that will shock and awe them. Instead, send their mom a card on their birthday or send over a free lunch coupon on a random Tuesday.

Step 5: Don't Be A Fish: The key to getting somebody back is to reel them in, then let the line slack so they have to swim in their own thoughts. Hopefully, your ex isn't smart enough to pull this off but if they are, don't allow yourself to get caught. Be strong and independent and don't give them attention when they're basically telling you to.

Step 6: As Long As You Get Some Back: It's called flirting when a guy and girl give attention back and forth to each other but it's butt-kissing when the thoughts aren't returned. You wouldn't play tennis with somebody who never returned your serve so make sure the match is worth it.

Step 7: Even If You Don't Want Them: It's a nice gesture to give your ex attention, even if you don't want them back. In fact, you should be the better person and give everybody attention, just be sure not to lead them on too much. Basically, what we're saying is live a positive life, no matter who is part of it.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

If you want to truly time something down to the nose, buy yourself an hourglass and watch the sands sift through it. If you want to actually decipher how many days of your lives it will take to get your ex to miss you, read up on our helpful determining factors.

Step 1: A Drought: When farmers experience a drought, they never really know when relief is in sight. Likewise, your ex might say hi to you but it's only a sprinkle instead of a love shower. Like those who plow our fields, the best thing you can do is trudge on.

Step 2: Have Feelings: If you have good feelings for your ex, the more likely they'll return the favor. If you're instead full of spite and hostility, they'll be pushed farther away. If you want your ex to miss you, treat them with respect and make them actually want to be with you.

Step 3: Be Lonely: You're probably lonely because dealing with a breakup is a difficult experience. Feel free to experience those feelings. It's nice to put on a game face and show your ex they haven't hurt you but they'll miss you more if they realize you're struggling.

What if your boyfriend already left you? Here's how to get him back.

Step 4: Instantly: Just as you're feeling lonely without your ex, they're going through the same emotions even if they initiated the split. The fact of the matter is that your ex misses you instantly. You were a big part of their life for weeks, months, or years and it'll take some getting used to living without you.

Step 5: The Sooner You Give Something To Miss: The quicker you can give your ex something to miss, the sooner they'll realize they want to be with you. This could mean changing your attitude or subtle improvements to your looks and personality. Don't let them get too far away before you start to make your life changes though.

Step 6: Give Something Back: Unless you start returning your ex's advances or calls, they'll soon go from missing you to trying to get over you. When you have a nice give and take with your ex, you'll occupy a spot in their brain.

Step 7: They Always Will: No matter if the relationship blew up like a ball of fire, your ex will probably always miss you and wonder 'what if?' This doesn't necessarily mean they'll ever get back with you but you'll be in their thoughts at some point forever.

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back to find out more.

If it was true that your ex will chase you if you disappear then Harry Houdini would've gotten all the chicks. Then again, David Copperfield was once engaged to supermodel Claudia Schiffer so maybe the theory does hold water. Either way, heed the advice of our magical suggestions to determine if your ex will indeed chase you.

Step 1: Depends On The Ex: A lot of this theory depends on your ex. Maybe they're headstrong and set in their ways and wouldn't chase you down if you were the last person on earth. On the other hand, maybe you don't even have to disappear for them to come hunting you down like a bear chasing salmon upstream.

Step 2: Depends What You Do: Do you plan on disappearing to live on the streets of Las Vegas or are you just going to take some time away and clear your head. Your ex will chase after you as long as you're making improvements to your life while you're away and rest assured that they will hear about it.

Step 3: How Long Do You Plan On Disappearing: Another factor to take into account is just how long you're going to be stepping out of the spotlight. You can hike up into the mountains to achieve nirvana but your ex might not have the patience to wait it out 9 years while you inhabit yourself with a pack of wild grizzly bears.

What if your boyfriend already left you? Here's how to get him back.

Step 4: Do The Opposite: A key to getting your ex to chase you is to scramble up their whole way of thinking. You can accomplish this by doing things they wouldn't expect you to do like working extra hours, attending church, or staying home on the weekends.

Step 5: If They're Interested: The common denominator on whether your ex will come running after you is if they're in fact interested in getting back together. If there's no future in the relationship, they probably won't put up much of an effort and likewise you wouldn't really want them to.

Step 6: Make Sure You Aren't Running: It's important to remember that you're disappearing for good reasons and not just running away from your problems. Maybe instead of taking a sabbatical you could do the unthinkable and actually sit down and talk things through with your old flame.

Step 7: How You Reappear: When you decide to show your face around town again, remember to act more positive and to take things one day at a time. Maybe the time away from your ex has proven that you really want to be with them and if that's the case, treat them that way.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back to find out more.

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