There are many advantages of training at home but there are many gym goers who feel that they have to stick to the hassle of going to the gym in order to get results, which is not true at all. We will be discussing the reasons how you can achieve the same results at home easier than you think.
Training at home guide to gain muscle mass and stay fit
Time Management
Step one is all about time management. If you normally put aside 60 minutes to train at the gym keep in mind there are many things that will stop you completing everything in only 60 minutes. Whether it be traffic on the way, waiting for a bench to be free in a busy gym, or bumping into some gym buddies. There will always be something that will take more time than you think it will. So when you make the switch to train from home you will already be saving a ton of time. With a proper plan and dedication you can stick to your training plan and get a full workout right from the comfort of your own home.
What you need to do when training at home
When training at home you not only need a lot of discipline to stick to the workout schedule that you have planned but you also need to get hold of a few pieces of equipment. You also will need a few different variations of weights along with enough weight plates that you can challenge yourself with.
For starters you will need an area to set up your home gym
This can be a spare bedroom or extra space in the garage. Just make sure you have enough room to set up the equipment you like to workout out with and leave enough space to safely perform the exercises. Some good equipment to get you started are a few pairs of dumbbell's if you are short on space try the adjustable variation like the Bowflex SelectTech. Kettlebells, TRX straps, resistance bands, and a medicine ball will also give you a lot of bang for your buck and you can store them easily if you don't have an extra room or garage. If you have the space a bench and a straight bar is going to be very helpful. The rest of the equipment you can tailor to your workout preferences and available space.
Working out at home golden rule, do not forget to warm up first.
Knowing how to start your workout at home is going to depend on your previous experience when it comes to training. If you have never trained on a regular basis before then you will want to find the appropriate workout for your fitness level and start slowly. Always make sure you get a warm up in before you begin each workout whether you want to jog around the block or do a few dynamic stretches before you get started.
Chose the proper workout plan for your training.
Selecting the correct workout plan is vitally important when training at home. Find inspiration with new workout routines and print them out ahead of time or save them to your smart phone so you can refer back to the exercises and eliminate the guess work. Here is a great sample plan:
1) Jumping Jacks - 50 reps
2) Priѕоnеr Sԛuаt - 20 rерѕ
3) Puѕhuрs - 15 rерѕ
4) Bulgarian Sрlit Sԛuаt - 12 rерѕ реr ѕidе
5) Inverted Bodyweight Row - 20 rерѕ
6) Diagonal Lungе - 12 rерѕ per side
7) Mountain Climbеrѕ - 15 реr ѕidе
8) High Knees Running in Place - 20 rерѕ реr ѕidе
Customization is also key.
For example if you find a great arms workout but can't do military press because of a shoulder injury just swap it out for a modified version. Keeping a workout journal is a fantastic idea as well to help you keep track of your reps and exercises, and let's face it doing this at home is much easier than toting a notepad around the gym.
Grant Donovan is a successful entrepreneur and expert in many disciplines including aviation, automotive, political, anti-aging and life coaching to name a few. But it is his passion for health, nutrition and fitness that he attributes as the leading factor for his success. All of which led him to create to share his large breadth of knowledge with the everyday man, and empower them to make the changes that will help lead to their success. He believes a life in balance of mind, body and soul is a life well lived and only when achieved can one unlock their true potential. At age 60, Grant serves as a living example of why staying healthy not only helps you live longer, but the improved quality of life, will allow you to push past boundaries and reach new heights you never knew were possible. With his inspirational personal journey of achievement he has motivated over 350,000+ subscribers to make a positive change in their life and guide them on their pursuit of happiness.
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