Whether or not the customer is actually "right," the job of customer service managers is to put out fires. Quick, pleasant responses to even the most irate customers will almost always cool the situation.


Plan your week. Allocate time for follow ups, administration, traveling. Book appointments in the same area together. Batch phone calls, e-mails, letters and sign ups together. Get it right first time.

Administration/organisation is 90% of the game. Know where you should be, when, 2 weeks in advance. Who are you seeing? Keep notes on everything. At the first contact discover as much information as you can about the client.

Customer results - what does the customer want? When by? What are his/her expectations?

Remember names. How can you effectively remember a name? When someone tells you their name, clarify it, use it again quickly, or write it down - before you forget.


Take the work out of it for your customers. Encourage them to ask questions and reward them with quick, friendly responses. Your customers and visitors are the most important asset you have. Make them feel that way.

Attraction. When you make the initial contact with a person, first impressions are critical. So dress up and look like a professional. Smile! Energy and verve are infectious.

Dramatic difference. We are the only ones who do what we do brand devotees. A mission worth shouting about contact information. Make you easy to find. Plenty of business cards, easy to copy phone number and website.

Live, warm & friendly service. Empathy. Put yourself in their shoes. Communication at their level. A genuine understanding of their needs. Do they really need a trainee?

Knowledgeable. Know the industry award, when the apprentice started, how long they have left, how long the host has been with us, when is their birthday? Have they won any industry awards? What is their favourite drink?

Partnership. We have a duty to hosts and new apprentices. We are here to create value for all.

People skills - by becoming interested in other people, you will get them to like you. Being the person who makes people feel good will go a long way toward increasing your likability in their eyes. Maintain eye contact.

Treat every customer like a completely amazing individual. Relate to him or her as if they were the only person in the world. People love personal attention, so hang on their every word and don't let yourself get interrupted. Be present.

Share knowledge with your organization.

Be; courteous, friendly, direct, disciplined, reliable, loyal, sincere, honest, willing, tenacious, tactful, worthy

Everyone is responsible

Creative solutions. Fix it on the spot, or don't keep customers waiting. Promise to call them back in 5 minutes.

Action Make promises and keep them. Reliability. Accurate information, perfect delivery, on-time, on-cue. Excellence in execution. Never just satisfied.

Speed. Answer your communications-emails and voice messages-promptly. Early opportunities - don't wait your turn.

Go that extra mile integrity eat-sleep-breathe-ooze integrity "my life is my message" Gandhi. Avoid over-promising. Obsessed with legacy "dent the universe". Eye for the different go beyond "same old, same old" stretch is routine "I will drop it off myself"/ "I will see to it personally".

Personal attention Strong communications, keep them informed. How long does it take you to drive to your clients? How many companies can you call in that time?

Thank you notes. When was the last time you wrote to say thank you for your time/appointment/feedback. Compliments are critical.

Phone calls. Spend time each day just saying hi!

It is the little things that can make all the difference. Most business is won or lost in barely 15 seconds. Personal contact beats e-mail 100 -

Customer feedback, listen!! Gather testimonials. Note pleased customers. What made them happy? Learn from unhappy customers. What made them unhappy? How can we improve our marketing/ induction/ training/ development/ service??

Passion! Enthusiasm! You've got to be out there on the lunatic fringe infect everyone with your passion for results.

This is a quest! What is our story? How do we want to be remembered?

Author's Bio: 

Creative Development is a marketing agency based in Sydney. We develop a wide range of business growth strategies in multiple industries. We won't just build you a website, we will create a way for your business to grow. Currently we offer the following services;

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