Basically losing weight is about burning more calories than you consume. It seems easy, but if were really that simple, we wouldn’t be facing an obesity epidemic. Too often we take outrageous measures to see results -- diets pills or those weird fitness machines on infomercials that promise instant success. You may lose some weight, but what happens when you go off that diet or stop that crazy workout program? You gain it all back and more. The real secret to weight loss is to make small, sustainable changes. The key is to avoid the quick fix and make lasting, healthy lifestyle choices.

If you want to lose one pound of fat, then you must burn approximately 3500 calories more than you consume. That is a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below are the key steps to losing weight the healthy way.

First, calculate your BMR or basal metabolic rate. Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Remember that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may have to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.

Second, one must calculate their level of activity. For about a week, you should keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. all day long. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week of logging calories burned, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day and week.

Next, log how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories using a online counter, phone application, or use a handwritten food journal to record what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as you can, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants while eating out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a how many calories you eat each day.

Lastly, add it all up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories burned. The last step is to subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight. For every 3500 calorie deficit you create, it’s a pound of fat lost. Now get out there and make it happen!

Author's Bio: 

Joshua “Coach” Kozak has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years. Burn calories with HASfit's weight loss exercises and get a ripped abs with HASfit’s abdominal exercises