There is no doubting that the heart is the most important organ in the body. It is constantly working to supply blood to the entire body. Without the constant contraction of the heart to supply blood, it would not be possible for most of the bodily functions to take place.

Oxygenated blood is supplied to the body through the veins and arteries. While the heart is circulating blood throughout the body, it is simultaneously circulating blood within itself too. When the supply of oxygenated blood is cut off to a certain part of the heart it results in that area of the heart getting blocked. This happens most often when there is a clot in the coronary artery. When this happens a person suffers from a myocardial infarction or in lay man’s terms from a heart attack. Blockages lead to the heart beating irregularly. This irregularity may result in the sudden death of a person.

Heart attacks are one of the main causes of death throughout the world. Hundreds of people are diagnosed with heart disorders every year. People that have been diagnosed with a heart disorder needs to get the best heart attack treatment available. A heart attack is a serious disease and should not be taken lightly. Though a heart attack is fatal, by getting the right treatment in time can save a person from death.

Heart failure occurs immediately and without any warning. While some are sudden and severe; others, are slow and start with a slow pain. Most of the time people do not know how to identify a heart attack and do not realize that they are having one. This is the main reason why so many heart patients end up getting delayed treatment.

Here are some of the symptoms to recognize the onset of a heart attack.

• Firstly, a person having an attack may feel some kind of discomfort in the chest area. This discomfort last for a few minutes, or it may come and go. This discomfort may be accompanied by pain, squeezing, fullness, and pressure.

• Secondly, a person having a heart attack will experience shortness of breath. This usually happens after the person feels the discomfort in his chest.

• Other symptoms include discomfort in other parts of the upper body like the arms, stomach, jaw, back, and neck. A patient may also experience cold sweats, lightheadedness, and nausea. These symptoms are more pronounced in women than in men.

If you feel any of the above mentioned symptoms at any time, it is advisable that you get in touch with a cardiologist immediately. However, finding a good one may be a little difficult. But, you need to ensure that you find yourself a good doctor.

There are plenty of good cardiologists and plenty of not so good ones too. So, you need to ensure that you do not be hasty in making your choice. If you are looking for a good heart specialist in Singapore you could contact Dr Lim Ing Haan Cardiology Clinic. She is one of the most famous cardiologists in stenting and angioplasty.

Author's Bio: 

Most heart attack patients look to the renowned cardiologist, Dr. Lim Ing Haan for good treatment. She is trained in all the new methods of heart attack treatment. You can be sure of exceptional care under her.