The size of your breasts is determined by a number of factors. They are listed below:

Genetics: Your genes play a major role in determining the shape and size of your breasts by influencing the levels of the hormones that affect your breast tissue.
Your Weight: Regardless of how big or small your breasts are, a large proportion of your breast tissues are composed of fat. Thus, the size of your breasts may change if you happen to gain or lose weight.
Your Age: With your advancing age, the ligaments that hold your breasts together can wear out, causing your breasts to sag.
Breastfeeding: Due to fluctuations in hormones, your breasts tend to swell while you are breastfeeding and deflate once you stop doing so.
Now that you are well aware of the different factors that are responsible for the shape and size of your breasts, let us look at some natural ways that can help in reducing the size of your breasts.

How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally
Green Tea
Neem And Turmeric
Garcinia Cambogia
Fish Oil
Breast Massage
Best Exercises
1. Fenugreek
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Fenugreek Pinit

You Will Need
3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
Water (as required)
What You Have To Do
Soak three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight.
The next morning, grind them with a few drops of water to form a thick paste.
Apply this paste evenly on both your breasts.
Leave it on until it dries, after which you can wash it off with water.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this 3 to 4 times a week.

Why This Works
Fenugreek seeds can help firm your breasts and reduce their size with their firming properties. Applying fenugreek paste to your breasts also prevents them from sagging and losing shape (1).

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2. Flaxseeds
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Flaxseeds Pinit

You Will Need
1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds
1 glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
Add a tablespoon of flaxseeds to a glass of warm water and mix well.
Consume this mixture.
Alternatively, you can also add powdered flaxseed to your favorite dish or juice.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this once daily.

Why This Works
Flaxseeds have estrogen-reducing properties (2), (3). Estrogen is one of the hormones that regulate the proliferation of your breast cells. And a reduction in its levels will help reduce the size of your breasts.

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3. Ginger
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Ginger Pinit

You Will Need
1 teaspoon of grated ginger
1 cup of water
What You Have To Do
Add a teaspoon of grated ginger to a cup of water.
Bring this mixture to a boil in a saucepan.
Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
Let it cool for a while before adding honey.
Consume it.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink this tea at least thrice daily.

Why This Works
Your breasts are mainly made up of fatty tissues. Regular consumption of ginger tea helps in burning the accumulated fat in the breasts by increasing the metabolic rate of your body (4), (5). This, in turn, makes your breasts smaller.

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4. Green Tea
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Green Tea Pinit

You Will Need
1 teaspoon of green tea
1 cup of water
What You Have To Do
Add a teaspoon of green tea to a cup of water.
Bring this to a boil in a saucepan.
Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
Allow the tea to cool for sometime and then add some honey to it.
Drink it.
How Often You Should Do This
You must consume green tea 3 to 4 times daily.

Why This Works
Green tea is another wonderful remedy that helps reduce the size of your breasts by burning the fat in them. It contains antioxidants that speed up your body’s metabolic rate (6).

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5. Neem And Turmeric
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Neem And Turmeric Pinit

You Will Need
A handful of neem leaves
2 teaspoons of turmeric powder
4 glasses of water
Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
Add the neem leaves to the water and bring it to a boil.
Simmer for 5 to 10 minutes and strain.
Once the solution becomes warm enough to drink, add two teaspoons each of turmeric and honey to it.
Consume this.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this daily for a few months.

Why This Works
This remedy is especially useful if you are trying to lose breast fat after pregnancy or breastfeeding. Your breasts become larger when you are breastfeeding due to inflammation as well as deposition of fat. Neem and turmeric help in overcoming inflammation and the extra fat to reduce your breast size (7), (8).

6. Garcinia Cambogia
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Garcinia Cambogia Pinit

You Will Need
300-500 mg garcinia cambogia supplements

What You Have To Do
Consume 300-500 mg garcinia cambogia supplements.

How Often You Should Do This
You must take these supplements thrice daily.

Why This Works
Garcinia cambogia has an excellent fat burning ability. Regular consumption of these supplements helps in increasing the metabolic rate of your body, thereby making weight loss an easy task (9).

7. Fish Oil
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Fish-Oil Pinit

You Will Need
Fish oil supplements (1000 mg)

What You Have To Do
Consume 1000 mg of fish oil supplements.
Alternatively, you can have a serving of cooked fish every alternate day.
How Often You Should Do This
You must consume these supplements once daily.

Why This Works
Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are quite popular for their anti-estrogen activities and can reduce the estrogen levels in your body (10). This, in turn, can help reduce the size of your breasts as well.

8. Breast Massage
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Breast Massage Pinit

You Will Need
Warm massage oil (coconut or olive oil)

What You Have To Do
Take slightly heated coconut or olive oil and apply it to your breasts.
Gently massage each breast upwards in a circular motion.
Continue massaging for 10 minutes, after which you may wash off the oil.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works
Massaging your breasts regularly can help in reducing the deposited fat in the breast tissues (11).

9. Diet
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Diet Pinit

Your diet also plays a major role when it comes to reducing the size of your boobs. When you consume more calories than required by your body and do not burn them, you tend to gain weight. And as a result, your breasts become bigger.

So, you should consume foods that help in burning fat. A few such foods include lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and fish. Also, stay away from fatty foods like red meat, cheese, cream, and oily snacks.

10. Best Exercises
1. Jogging
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Jogging Pinit

All kinds of cardio exercises can help in reducing your body fat, including the fat in your bust area. So, jog, run or cycle to reduce the size of your breasts.

20 to 30 minutes

2. Push-ups
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Push-ups Pinit

Push-ups can help tone your breasts and make them firmer, thus helping reduce their size.

15 to 20

3. Swimming
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Swimming Pinit

The strokes that you use while swimming work on your chest and shoulder muscles, thereby helping you achieve the desired shape and size of your breasts.

20 minutes

4. Yoga
How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally - Yoga Pinit

Practicing yoga poses like the Prayer Pose, Half Moon Pose, and Frog Pose can help reduce the size of your breasts and make them firmer.

You must hold each yoga pose for 10 to 20 seconds.

You must also follow the tips given below to assist these remedies and obtain better results.visits

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