How To Stay Hard Longer Without Coming: How To Be Great In Bed

Knowing how to delay ejaculation and making sure that it does not come back to haunt you is what you need right now. There are different methods you could follow that will assure you that your premature ejaculation will stop tonight.

Tip 1 - Desensitizers Work

A premature ejaculation may stem from being overly sensitive when it comes to your penis. There are times when this heightened sensation forces you to finish immediately. Most of the time you feel ashamed since you did not measure up to the going rate of some other men. If they can finish after several rounds, you can too!

These desensitizers come in bottles that have a spray nozzle. What you do is spray some onto your penis for a few minutes before you start the intercourse. Just make sure you do not spray a lot since a numb penis is a flaccid penis. You do not want to have a sleeping giant right?

Learn this one technique -- simple and easy for any man to use -- and not only will sex be more pleasurable for you, but you'll instantly become a better lover than 90% of the rest of the guys on the planet. Here's how to have sex more often -- and have her thank you for it

Tip 2 - Rings Anyone?

Do you know that there are rings that are designed to be placed around your penis' head? People found that a good way on how to delay ejaculation is to cut the blood flow to your penis. This can be a little uncomfortable but it will help you prolong your erection and at the same time make you last longer before you ejaculate. There are some women who like the feeling of these rings while you are inside them. It creates a friction in their vaginal walls thus making them orgasm a lot.

Stop premature ejaculation before it stops your sex life. Most men who go through this challenging condition goes through the arousal stage up to the ejaculation stage in a little over 32 seconds. Do not add to the statistics by making sure that you get the tips in your head on how to delay ejaculation and making sure that you do it properly for tonight' s main event. These products can be purchased online or via adult shops that may be near you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover unusual techniques that give any woman multiple spine-tingling, electrifying, scream-your-name orgasms. There is a set of easy to follow techniques to become a master at intercourse itself -- and your woman will keep coming back for more and more. She'll be devoted to you for life. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now a bonus tip that you will find useful if you want to make any woman orgasm fast...There exists a secret two-step method that underground seduction masters use to make any woman orgasm literally by COMMAND: details are at this website - How to Get a Woman to Orgasm

The actual secret to a great sex with women starts much before you land in your bedroom. Foreplay primarily gives your spouse the first step towards having the best sex she ever had.

Additionally if you become more skilled at it, you can easily keep her always satisfied. Therefore there are some simple steps that you can use for getting started to knowing how to offer you girl the best orgasm with foreplay.

Flirt and touch in her public - The best sexual involvement starts much before getting into the bed. In fact, if you just flirt and touch her in public it can really turn her on and make her ask for more sex.

Therefore when you are out with her just do some small things which can make her sexually desirable lady, like you can kiss her or touch in a very sensitive manner.

Are You 100% Sure That Your Woman Is Satisfied With Your Sexual Performance? Here is What Your Woman Desperately Wants From You… But Is Probably Afraid to Ask Because She Doesn't Want to Hurt Your Feelings

Get her into a sexual mindset - You will have to create a seductive atmosphere after you get to your apartment. This can be done by turning off the lights, lighting some candles and playing some soft music. This can physically and mentally prepare her for sex.

Give a sensual massage - The best way to get sex going is to give her a sensual massage. When done with proper techniques you can instantly get her ready.

You can get excellent results when you use massage oils with warming skin and pleasant scent. You can start by rubbing her shoulder and neck and then slowly moving towards her upper thighs, lower back and chest.

Kiss her in seductive way - You can then start kissing her slowly and find out how she reacts. Then slowly work your way up to intensity and passion.

You can start by kissing her on her neck, ears and upper chest and eventually move on to the main act but slowly so that you both enjoy.

And One Last thing...

If you want to become the man of choice for ANY woman in bed, you MUST increase your sexual stamina. With just a LITTLE effort you can gain the power to last ALL night long...and in my experience, the rewards are worth their weight in orgasmic gold for the both of you!

You want to be able to make your woman squirt and shake with pleasure. You want to give her an orgasm that is out of this world. Learn more from this helpful site on how you can make her squirt today!

You can become the best she has ever had and you can make that happen now. There is help so you can master female ejaculation and be the best.

In this article you are going to discover how to have GREAT SEX.

Many guys think they are good in bed, but the reality is that most are clueless.

Did you know that 50% of women admit to having CHEATED at least once? And many women say that the primary reason why they cheated was to find a BETTER LOVER. Ouch.

So, the question is:

"Why do most men really suck in bed?"

And the answer is because they focus on the wrong things. Those things being:

1. Size

2. Staying power

3. Sexual experience

If you want to give your woman truly mind-blowing, absolutely great sex -- those are not the things you should focus on.

I mean, think about it...

- You can't control your 'size', so it's pointless to worry about it

- Staying power can easily be learnt with DEEP BREATHING, better nutrition and a few other tricks

- Sexual experience has nothing to do with how good of a lover a guy is. I know guys who have had lots of 'sexual experience' and slept with 100's of women, but all they care about it notches on the bedpost. They are not really interested in a woman's sexual pleasure.

You don't have to be brilliant, good-looking, or well-endowed to have her think you're a sex god... you just have to be 'dumb' enough to follow these step-by-step instructions

So now the question is:

"What should you do to give your woman BETTER SEX?"

Here's your answer (read it carefully)...

How To Have Great Sex - Here's Exactly What You Must Do To Totally Blow Your Woman's Mind In Bed

Firstly, you must lead your woman in the bedroom. You must be the boss and show her the way. You see, women are mostly SEXUALLY SUBMISSIVE and therefore, they respond best to SEXUALLY DOMINANT men in the bedroom.

You must be dominant by taking control and leading your woman.

The second thing you must do to give your woman great sex is to TALK DIRTY.

Women love dirty talk because for them -- sex is a very mental experience. Many women have told me that they find the sex with their men boring because their men do not talk dirty.

Thirdly, (and most importantly), to give your woman great sex and blow her mind you must give her ORGASMS.


I know, I know -- it sounds so obvious.

But many men don't or if they do they only give their women one clitoral orgasm per sexual session.

To give your woman THE BEST SEX EVER and total sexual satisfaction, you should aim to give her not only clitoral orgasms but also vaginal orgasms and then squirting and anal orgasms too.

Important Tip: If you really want to Satisfy Your Woman all night long, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can cause 2-4 explosive orgasms EVERY NIGHT! Go here now!

Now you can stop premature ejaculation and start giving her amazing sex... even if you have never lasted more than 2 minutes in bed! Visit Sexual Endurance for Men

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do to achieve explosive sexual stamina. To find out more visit Sex Positions to Last Longer

A lot of men happen to be guilty of the crime of not paying enough attention in sexually satisfying their women. In fact, very few men are aware that real effort would be needed to get a woman to reach orgasm. For some reason, some men seem to believe that women can reach orgasms as easily as men do. This is definitely not the case.

Women are actually not even fully capable of reaching orgasms during sexual intercourse in itself. Yes, it could happen since female physical needs need to be met, as well; however, the proper mood always needs to be established beforehand and, in order to do this, men need to learn the proper skills and methods to make their women go wild.

There are still some women out there who have a fairly easy time reaching orgasms; however, most women have difficulties in doing so. Simply keep in mind that each woman can reach orgasms, provided you know what you are doing. As a matter of fact, it would be possible to get your woman to reach incredible orgasms in mere minutes, provided you know the proper female arousal methods. Here are 2 of those very effective methods that can make women reach orgasms fairly fast.

In Less Than Two Hours... Sex Will Be Better Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. Here's How to Transform Your Sex Life!

Sure Orgasm Tactics - How To Make A Woman Orgasm With 100% Surety

Tactic Number One: Do not underestimate the importance of foreplay when it comes to complete female sexual satisfaction. A lot of men tend to go straight to the sexual act without any foreplay and this would be a major mistake! A lot of women actually prefer cunnilingus to actual sex, so it would be best to take your time and never rush into it. Slowly take off your woman's clothes and be as erotic as possible in your methods of seduction.

Remember that there is no reason for you to try and beat the clock when it comes to sex since there are no time limits for you to follow. Most of the time, you should have the whole night to spend together. Try to talk about how gorgeous you think she is and how much you want her and, as you seduce her, tell her how wonderful she feels and tastes to you. Women love that sort of stuff.

Tactic Number Two: Find other female sensitive or erogenous or zones that aren't part of the norm. Less obvious female parts do exist that you can fondle and kiss, which will be new and enjoyable for your woman. Every woman is different from the next, though, so do not be scared to explore her entire body to find out exactly what it is that makes her shiver.

Bonus Tip: If you really want to satisfy your girl all night long, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can cause 2-4 explosive orgasms EVERY NIGHT! Visit How To Improve Sexual Stamina

You WILL give your girl MIND BLOWING orgasms with this technique so she won't be letting you get out of bed. Don't schedule any other activities for the day after.

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Now you can make sex pleasurable again rather than something that causes you stress...she will love you more when you're better at pleasing her! Visit How to Please a Woman in Bed

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly
how to give your woman orgasms so powerful, she'll be devoted to you for life- Learn this orgasm-inducing skill that most guys -- and even a lot of women -- don't know about... Visit Sex Tactics to Satisfy a Woman to find out more.

Looking for love and sex can be challenging. Discuss your sex problems on our forum. We can help you find a great loving relationship! Go to: Sex Forum