Essay Structure
The most basic skill required in university life is to write a good essay, the structure of which is essential. However, despite the importance of writing a clear, well-structured and highly structured essay, it does not take much time to help students design an essay. This brief guide to the structure of an Essay helps you to read it and to discover how easy it is to write and structure!
How to structure an essay
Essay Structure - Beginning
The first thing to do before you start writing your essay is to make sure you answer the question. This will help you a lot in planning the structure of your essay and you will be able to judge from the beginning how to organize your essay.
Basically, you have to search for keywords. These words will give you the first indicator needed to correctly write an organized essay. For example, if you are asked a tough question, "Comparison and Contrast", you will use a different technique than the one used in the discussion. In fact, you will adopt a structure that puts the points against each other in the first, but you will approach a subject and make a second argument. Sounds complicated? Read on!
Essay structure - Basics
Once you have settled the exact question, you will then need to determine the best way to do it. If you write an essay arguing an argument, you will have to start a thesis statement. It simply means that you mentioned in your first paragraph your immediate answer to the question and how you intend to prove it or disprove it. For example, you can say you agree or disagree, and then you develop the basic method that you will use to do it. Remember however that the term thesis statement should appear in your first paragraph, preferably in the first and second sentences.
It is important that the opening statement be strong, in order to immediately catch the reader's attention. Think of how you can quickly read if you want to read the entire essay. Most readers want a quick and concise idea of the essay in the first sentence or both before deciding if they are interested enough to follow and should do the same with the structure of your essay. Of course, teachers should read your essays, but they will probably have an impression if the experience is less than commonplace!
Essay structure - how many paragraphs?
In many ways, the question is, "how long is a piece of string?" However, in most cases, the structure of the essay in the five-paragraph essay works well. Indeed, all essays begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion, the other three paragraphs thus constituting the main body, each dealing with a different aspect of the argumentation. It is quite clear that the main body can be easily expanded according to the number of points it will cover so that the structure of the five-paragraph essay works well. The structure of the essay should be based on something like this:
This should briefly address the main question that remembers these keywords and includes the thesis statement. You should also include something about how you will use it. By the way, most academic essays are written in the third person, so type "will be suggested" instead of "I Think", unless you are asked to give your opinion. Link in the first paragraph of the main body by concluding sentence that points to the first point.
Main body:
As mentioned above, it can be greater than three paragraphs, depending on the number of words to be typed and the number of points desired. Make sure each paragraph is linked and connected to the central argument. Ideally, each person who reads your essay should be able to know each question individually and know how to organize your argument. Nothing is worse than an essay that differs from the essentials, so check again to make sure you respect the whole principle. Remember, too, that you must support your arguments with evidence from a basic source or scholarly text. The item provided without supporting evidence is incomplete. Reference according to the method requested by your university.
This should summarize the main points of the essay, gather your thoughts and demonstrate that you have demonstrated the thesis you identified in the opening paragraph. Depending on the length of the essay, you should also define the action limits and suggest more work that can be done in the future.
Jessica Willson is the Digital Marketing Analyst at Paperown and was previously the Head of Conversion Marketing at Assignmenthelpros. She's an expert in inbound marketing, email marketing and lead generation. She's also a Professional Academic writer and also contribute their part with students on a regular basis. Follow her on Twitter at @Jessicawillson
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