Facebook, the guru of social media, has changed the way we do business, followed by the micro-blogging platform Twitter that joins the market in its daily conversations. Everything from government offices to the tiny store right around the corner are tweeting their updates and featuring gimmicks on their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. But what is so compelling about them?
1. The Faceboook Page. It’s proof of your identity as a company. Everything from vital information to the core values you hold dear are reflected in making your company profile. The best part is, you’re joining your customers on their level and asking them to become your friends. Facebook now opens doors for discussion.
2. The newest tool: Questions. Eager to find out what your market likes and dislikes? Need information from them that will help you make your next move? The newest tool on Facebook opens opportunities for all with their Questions. Create polls on your wall and track the results as your friends gain interest one by one. It’s an excellent way of conducting mini surveys without disrupting their daily e-mailing.
3. Facebook updates tied to Twitter. The beauty of Facebook and Twitter is this: they act as word of mouth. We hear about the latest news from our Facebook pages or Twitter feeds. Now, every announcement you make on your Facebook can update directly on your Twitter and re-direct your customers to your Facebook page.
4. Applications. Redirecting your customers to your facebook page puts you at a great advantage if your pages are indeed interesting on site. The fact of the matter is that Facebook pages are now gaining more traffic than company websites. In your case, redirecting your customers to your facebook allows for a viral exchange of information. Applications on your page are a fun and engaging way of keeping your customers hooked. It also does not take them away from their social lives by opening another window.
5. Real time results. With twitter flying swiftly across the web, updating and engaging your fans in conversation is an easy way to gain organic real-time results as well as leads.
Have you ever thought of setting up your own app on Facebook to better gain leads? It’s a fantastic way to grow your network and of course to spread the word! Make the most of your social media today and change the way you market your business.
Matt Hallaran is the founder of Sidekiiks Incorporated. Sidekiiks is an offshore outsourcing company that specializes in providing a wide range of business solutions such as Call Center Services, Executive Virtual Assistant & Online Marketing Management for lead generation to entrepreneurs and SME’s.
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