Attaining success is a clear outcome of setting and achieving goals. Even you have your own personal goals which you have achieved, are trying to achieve or still to achieve.
But, have your children set goals, especially if they are teenagers? Teenagers are at an age level where they know what they want to achieve better than anyone else, and therefore need to learn how to set their goals.
Who better than you, can help them think about their future. They need to improve their future by setting goals. They can set goals that they would like to achieve, be it long term or short term goals.
Teenagers at their age, are undergoing personality changes wherein personality gets developed and structured. During this period they require your helpful advice and guidance.
As a parent/guardian, you need to help your children/teenagers dream about a better future for themselves. You are a source of information and it becomes your priority to direct them in the right path to achieve their possible and practical dreams.
As a wise parent/guardian, doing this would help you to perform your responsibilities.
To aid in teaching your teens to set their goals effectively, I have mentioned some useful tips below:
• The first thing that you need to do is have a talk with your teen and explain to him/her as to why goals are important. They should know the difference between long and short term goals. They need to also know why they have to set goals, even if they have no idea whether they are going to achieve them or not.
• In the next level, you need to explain to your teen on how to clearly recognize his/her goal. The teen should be able to explain his/her goal. The goal could be based on their likes/dislikes, ambitions in life, knowledge, skills and even interests. At their age, a teenager is confused, and only with the help of intelligent and realistic advice from elders can they start to understand their goals.
• Another advice that you can give your teens is where they can start their goals. If you can, try to suggest the time frame or when they should start trying to achieve their goals. This would greatly help then get a clear picture on when and where to start acting towards their goals. If the goals are important, they need to be started right away.
• You can even help by giving ideas on some step by step processes that you know on how to set goals and how these goals can be achieved. Teens normally discover methods he/she has to use to learn the techniques, so most probably; you may be required to give ideas on exact and bright ideas on how best to achieve the goal. As you are older than your teen, you are supposedly more clever and experienced when it comes to life, so when you give a bit of your wisdom, your teen may be glad to accept it.
• Obstacles are bound to come in the way of achieving their goals. So try to familiarize your teen on how to overcome resistances and also deal with temporary defeats. Your teen needs to learn to revert back with more dedication when he/she is faced with small failures and missed opportunities. Express the idea using wisdom and good advice.
• Giving your teaching a personal touch is always good. Your kids can always learn from your goal failures and abandoned attempts. Try to achieve this by imparting some anecdotes and personal experiences.
MindMaster is a personal development program that has helped thousands of people effectively set their personal goals through computer based messages reflecting positive thinking , and is used by professionals around the world. You can download and try the program Free by visiting http://www.MindMaster.TV.
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