People hate to be sold but love to buy. This principle is a key principle many marketers miss when going about promoting their business opportunity. As a network marketer your product is the opportunity for a better life. Once you understand what you are selling, you can then focus on why someone would want to buy from you. Here are some helpful tips to explain why they will:

1. People aren't ON the Internet. They ARE the Internet. The same rules that apply at any retail store
should apply to your Capture page. Is your site courteous and inviting? Does your site say in clear terms that you know your stuff and that people will get smart answers? Does your site offer to fulfill a clearly defined need or desire? Give your site a checkup.

2. People buy online just like they buy offline. What are you selling? Is the look of your
site appropriate to what you are selling?
Does your site meet the need of the person viewing it?

3. People buy what they need, when they need it and can
afford it. The key is to give people information that
connects with what they need. The good news is that
people need the same things they have always needed.
Which of us doesn't long for more time, more money,
better relationships with family and friends? The more
your message is aligned with these needs, the better
you will do.

WHY People Make 'Buying Decisions'

There are only SIX basic things that will trigger any buying decision in the mind of a potential customer or prospect. All six are actually deeply rooted to our most common needs and desires.

1. Desire for gain - usually financial, but also to gain
in love, power, respect from other people.

2. Fear of loss - usually financial, but also emotional.

This trigger may tie to the loss of something
already gained, or to the fear of not gaining
something that is perceived as a need.

3. Comfort and convenience - convince me that your
business opportunity will make my life easier, simpler,
more productive, more worthwhile.

4. Security - will your mentorship protect me, my
loved ones, my assets, and reduce my fear of loss?

5. Prestige and pride of ownership - Will I be proud
to tell my friends what I do? Will they call it a Scam?
This is the reason many people shy away from home business.

6. Satisfaction of emotion - Will this business
make me 'feel good' about myself, my life, and the
world I live in?

These are the questions potential prospects think before they decide to buy into your opportunity, and how well you can cater to these needs will determine how far your business will go.

Author's Bio: 

Justin Hammonds is an Internet Marketer who caters to you by working closely with you to grow your business online using effective, creative, & effecient strategies.