55% of any message we give out is “unconscious” and we are constantly giving out these signals on a regular and daily basis and other people are “reading” our body language all the time.
Think about it. How many times do you make a judgement on someone you’ve just met, whether it be positive or negative based on the “signal” that they are giving off?
It’s automatic, something you just do without even thinking about it.
People are telling other people more about themselves and the state of mind that they are in than they actually think they are and are doing it all day, everyday.
It’s time to become aware!
Stand straight with your head held high, not only will this benefit your overall posture but it will enable you to see where you’re going and spot any potential danger signs. This doesn’t mean that you have to be paranoid every time you go out but it does make you aware.
If you constantly walk around in a “slouched” position, head low and generally not paying much attention to your surroundings, what kind of signal do you think you’re sending out?
How many times do you just walk around with your head filled with other things? When you’re in a rush how many times have you taken short cuts that you know you shouldn’t and worse still, justified it to yourself so that you could save yourself two or three minutes.
If you’re walking down the street oblivious to everything apart from your mobile telephone or busy texting as you’re walking along you’re a target.
Try to be aware at all times, stand erect, walk straight, don’t necessarily look people straight in the eyes but let them know that you know that they are there. Try not to take isolated shortcuts no matter how tempting across waste ground, dark alleys or parks and try to stay in public view.
But most of all, Pay attention!
Best wishes,
Garth Delikan
The Lifestyle Guy - Personal Empowerment Coach
Garth FK Delikan
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
When I first started out along this path, many years ago, the concept of The Lifestyle Guy came to mind... I, and perhaps you, like many people over the years who go through significant personal change, are given a second chance to begin life again - but this time by new rules.
Lifestyle is a great word because it encompasses so many concepts, but to my mind, it means the ability to change what you want in your life, whether personal or professional, by taking control of your own emotions and your own destiny!
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
Garth Delikan The Lifestyle Guy - Personal Empowerment Coach
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