There really is no secret when it comes to learning how to apply the law of attraction (LOA) in your life. You can begin making changes in ANY area of your life as soon as you want. There is nothing holding you back! You don't have to wait until you are an expert. Start transforming your life by following the three steps outlined below and you will have the power to manifest anything you desire.

It is important to be sure that you have a good grasp of each step of this LOA process before moving onto the next. More often than not, anytime you are feeling stuck it is because you need to go back and adjust something, you need to make some change to either your thoughts or actions around a particular point. Just follow your heart and you will be okay.

Step 1 - Know what you want. This requires you to make a decision. It may require you to make several decisions. The better you are at deciding, the better your chances of mastering this first step of the manifesting process.

Deciding what you want goes beyond simply writing your wishes down on paper. Choosing which desires to go after means that you must know how your desire fits into your whole life. You have to think about how achieving this new dream is going to impact other areas of your life.

Moving in a new direction in one area will always affect each and every other area of your life. Knowing this ahead of time, and taking them into account, can prevent many needless struggles in your journey.

Step 2 - Be Responsible For Yourself - This means owning your results in life. Not making excuses or looking for places to lay the blame. Being responsible for yourself is all about taking responsibility for the results of your thoughts and actions.

Nothing will throw you off course faster than not getting this step 100% right. It is true that there are lots of things out there that are out of your control. But only you are responsible for your thoughts and actions. When you start playing the blame game, you stop moving toward your dream.

The bottom line is that you have to honest with yourself. Sure, it can be uncomfortable, but all you have to do is to decide to be truthful with the one person that has the power to make your dreams come true - yourself!

Step 3 - Claim Your Desire - This is where you turn your dream into your reality. The final piece of the manifesting process is where you take action, where you get out in the world and move toward your dream.

The quickest way to see positive changes in your life is to start taking steps toward that change. It sounds obvious, but unless you are really taking action you cannot really expect super results. Waiting for opportunity to knock on your door is a waste of time and energy, time and energy that you could be using more productively.

Learning and living these three important steps of the law of attraction is the only sure-fire way to change your life. Lasting change comes from mastering the steps and living them on a daily basis. If you do this, you will find that the changes you desire will come quickly and easily. In no time at all, you will have transformed your life the way you want it.

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If you would like to learn more about the law of attraction and how you can manifest your dreams into reality, I invite you to grab your free copy of the ultimate manifesting ebook right now at Click right now and you can begin creating meaningful, positive changes in your life, today!