I just told my husband “this is not the best part of the day for sparking my creativity.” It's later in the afternoon when my mind will turn to caffeine or sugary delights. He said: “But you can make it your best time now”! And I wondered ... hmmm, yes, I could. So that's the thing I am doing. I'm peering out of the large panes in my office currently. It's late Spring. The flowers, azaleas, and trees are in full bloom. My irises ended up flowering this year. I am making it my greatest moment in the present. I am watching and appreciating. That feels much more beneficial. Yes. The Law of Attraction truly does help me live a better and more present lifestyle.

How about yourself? Think of what you do right now to turn it into your best moment? You might try taking a purposeful slow deep breath and present thanks for what is functioning in your life. Right. What IS working. There is truly a lot that is truly functioning well when you give yourself a moment. You can get help with the Law of Attraction from a Law of Attraction Life Coach today!

I am aware that if you're a working mother or a working father, chances are you've got a pretty full plate. You've got a large workload even if you are not a parent. Life can be busy even in our time. So where has the quality of your life gone? Do you invest the time to smell the roses? How often do you take a 'check in' moment to consciously want to be present? How about you invest a moment right now? Take moments many times every day and ask yourself ... Can I turn this into my best moment... Right now? You can speed up results with the Law of Attraction with Relationship Coaching Advice for Women.

I can simply gaze out the window and muse on what I appreciate. I could take 3 conscious breaths. I might get up and consciously drink a glass of water and notice the soothing liquid as it goes down my throat. Too many amazing now's just slip past. Now is all we have. So why not - Make it a great NOW!

You can learn more secrets to relationship attraction in my FREE VIDEO from the new DVD, “7 Secrets to Find and Keep the Love of Your Dreams.” Just go to http://www.loveofyourdreams.com

Author's Bio: 

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at http://www.NanetteGeiger.com.

You CAN have the Relationship of your Dreams! Download Nanette's latest FREE Video on the #1 Secret to find and keep the love of your dreams. http://www.LoveOfYourDreams.com.