Say Something Poster Sometimes we feel the need to make big changes in our lives in order to have a different outcome.

It is said, “Do what you’ve always done and you’ll get what you always gotten.”

Look at it this way: If you start walking in a straight line toward a certain place, and then take one small turn to the right or left, you will end up in a completely different place than planned. And the longer you walk, the farther you will move from the original direction.

A small change in direction, by the end of a lifetime, can mean you end up in a completely different place—far indeed from where you were originally headed.

“’I want to make my mark,’ he says.
‘But what target, I wonder, are you going to hit?’”  ― Cecil Castellucci, Boy Proof

We are each one of us, unique individuals; each of us carries special gifts, and our life’s journey is a path, which points the way and guides us to knowing why we’re here. The clearer we become about our purpose, the more defined our path; and as our inner path gains clarity, the outside path becomes more focused. We see more clearly where we’re going because we understand why we’re going there.

Each action we take resonates with our inner life, and we connect with other people who are clear about their life’s purpose. And because focused energy is so powerful, a few people with a sense of purpose can break through the inertia of a large collective consciousness that is drifting along without any particular direction, or just resisting an idea whose time has come.

This is why we have so many visionaries who have, by themselves, changed the direction of a nation.

As you go through the weekend, I invite you to look for the signs in your life and all around you that are pointing you towards making your mark.

I’d love to hear about what you are seeing—let’s share the signs!

Author's Bio: 

I am the father of four great kids, and also a new grandfather. I spent 25 years in Paris working as a top fashion photographer for the best magazines and companies, before moving into network marketing, where I have built several large organizations. I have written and published two books and am the head of a non-profit which now has thousands of members.

I am on the faculty of The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism, where people are taught how to heal themselves and heal others in the traditions of the Holy Prophets. I am a big believer that you can not build a business bigger than yourself, and so I focus a lot on personal growth and spiritual principles. My websites are and There you will find a tremendous amount of FREE and very valuable information, which can give you a clear idea of who I am and how I work.

You can also learn about the current businesses I am involved in, as well as obtain copies of my books.