If you thought semi-truck accidents were similar to typical auto accidents, you are wrong. There is a huge difference between the two.  If you consider the state of Texas, there are numerous 18 wheelers that are being driven on the roads and highways.  In fact, as per reports from the US department of transportation,  nearly 5219 people died in semi-truck accidents in the year 2020. 70% of the victims were either occupant of passenger vehicles or cars.

It goes without mentioning that a truck accident can lead to catastrophic and critical injuries. When a person involved in an accident with a semi-truck is badly injured,  the only thing that he worries about is the exorbitant medical expenses he has to bear. According to the Ladah Law Firm, there are innumerable truck accident victims that approach them. Let's take a quick look at the immediate steps to take after a truck accident.

  • Stay There and Report the Accident

The first step that you have to take is to report the accident but only after ensuring that you are away from the road and the approaching traffic.  Everyone involved in the collision should stay there.  Switch on your hazard lights to let other drivers notice your car.  In case there is someone who is unresponsive or badly injured,  call the police immediately.  They can instantly assess the gravity of the scene, make you fill out a report on the accident, and advise you on the next steps to take.

  • Recognize Every Party Involved in the Crash

Watch out for the marks of identification or the other signs on the vehicle or semi-truck that is involved in the accident. The truck driver Might be at fault or the trucking company can also be held responsible for the injuries sustained by a vehicle.  Hence it is vital to ensure all the liable parties are identified at the accident scene.

  • In Case of Emergency, Run for Medical Help

Even when there are no signs of any serious injury,  you should still get in touch with a doctor immediately after the accident.  There are times when the adrenaline of your body will keep you from understanding or noticing any pain or damage instantly.  Not seeking help from any medical professional can lead to complications in the long run.   So make sure you call the doctor and make him attend the scene of the truck accident.

  • Watch out for Eyewitnesses

Do you find any witnesses near the site of the crash?  If you do,  don't forget to collect a statement from the witness or ask them to share their contact details so that you can reach out to them later. Eyewitnesses in a truck accident can testify to your case and make you obtain your deserved compensation. You may also cross-check the accident report to know if there are any witnesses you forgot to interview.

A semi-truck is undoubtedly one of the largest vehicles driven on our interstates and highways. Therefore when you meet with a crash with such a huge vehicle,  it can turn out to be fatal.  Knowing the steps to take will help you make proper measured decisions.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.