In the past, if you were born with crooked teeth, you died with crooked teeth. When there was no anesthesia, a good drink of alcohol was the best way to relieve pain. All a dentist needed was a pair of pliers and the strength of his hands to extract a tooth.

It is true that ancient dentistry was a little less orthodox. However, those years of ignorance have passed and thanks to advances in science, today dentistry is one of the most respected professions. Currently, any dentist knows how to do a cleaning or whitening. In past, the best solution for decay or a loose tooth was an extraction. Today, splints and root canals have changed that way of thinking.

Having beautiful teeth is no longer a dream. With the arrival of veneers, crowns and dental implants, now every person is able to design their own smile. Don’t you like the shape of your teeth? Are they too round? Are they crooked or separated? There’s nothing aesthetic dentistry can’t solve. Even that tooth that you broke when you were just a child, can also be fixed.

But when is it better to use implants, crowns or veneers? Today you will know. Dentists in Bricktown, New Jersey, are experts in this kind of procedure. Dental implants in Bricktown come out of dental offices, as well as the bread from bakeries. Almost every week, a patient visits a dentist in Bricktown for purely aesthetic purposes. It is well known that New Jerseyans love selfies, that's why they take so much care of their smiles.

When it comes to stained, fissured or partially broken teeth, the best option are veneers. Even when you have teeth that are too small and far apart, this procedure promises to restore beauty to your smile. Veneers are small layers of porcelain that stick to the teeth and give them a better shape. The placement procedure is quite simple and usually doesn’t take more than two visits to the dentist.

On the other hand, when you want to completely change the shape of your tooth, without sacrificing the dental piece, crowns are the best solution. It usually takes more time than veneers, but results are really amazing. Crowns are porcelain shells that line the old teeth. Usually, the tooth is molded so that it can enter the crown.

When it comes to more serious cases, such as the loss of a tooth or the total reconstruction of the smile, implants are usually placed. Placing an implant, starts by inserting a screw into the jaw bone. Once installed, gum is sutured and the patient must wait several months for new bone tissue to grow around the screw.

After recovery time, the new dental piece is placed and the patient can chew normally. At first it may cause pain or discomfort, however, after several months of use, the patient becomes accustomed.

Today, dental implants Bricktown is fashionable. If you are thinking of completely transforming the look of your smile, do it the next time you go on a trip to dentist in Brick.

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