In severe osteoarthritis, there is a complete loss of cartilage which causes friction between bones, causing immense pain with limited motion.

Osteoarthritis is a disease joints. Some of the main causes of Osteoarthritis are aging joints, injuries and obesity or overweight. Symptoms of Osteoarthritis include joint pain and joint stiffness. Its treatment depends on the affected joint, including the wrist, hand, neck, back, hip & knee and involves proper medication and exercises. If you are overweight, weight loss may improve Osteoarthritis symptoms.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

One of the most common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the affected joint area after repetitive use of joint. The pain is usually gets worse later in the day. There can be swelling and creaking of the affected joints. In severe osteoarthritis, there is a complete loss of cartilage which causes friction between bones, causing immense pain with limited motion.

Osteoarthritis of the spine causes immense pain in the lower back and neck. Spurs formation along the spine can cause irritation in spinal nerves which can cause immense pain and numbness of the affected parts of the body.

Osteoarthritis of knee is often associated with overweight and obesity. Progressive cartilage degeneration of the knee joints may lead to deformity of the knees which is generally referred as "bow legged." Patients who have osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints can develop a limp. This could worsen the situation as it causes more cartilage degenerate. In some Cases patient suffering from pain, limping and joint-dysfunction does not respond to medications. That’s why severe osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the major reasons for total Knee replacement surgery.

Osteoarthritis causes the formation of hard-bony enlargements of the small joints of the fingers. This deformity is a result of the bone spurs from the osteoarthritis in that joint.

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Author's Bio: 

Uteshiya Medicare