Right from childhood, we are familiar with words like stress, negativity, frustration, and anger. We understand that as adults we will be under duress, we will be angered by work pressure and overall lead a stressful life. These days, even kids say that they are over worked and stressed at school. Positive and refreshing words like relaxation, happiness, joy and satisfaction are practically unknown to most people. People know that letting your mind, body and soul relax after a hard day of work is crucial. A person needs to rejuvenate and be fresh to take on the next day. But many people still do not do anything about it. People complain about their stress but do not take remedial actions.
There are many techniques to relax your mind like meditation, inducing alpha and theta levels via audio method, visualizing a scene in nature or practicing yoga. One of the most researched and well developed techniques is the induction of the alpha level of relaxation. It mainly helps you relax, lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow, relaxes our muscles, and brings down the heart rate. Human brains operate at various stages of attentiveness and consciousness. Brain wave frequencies are different and they depend on our state of mind. This difference in the levels of brain waves determines which level are you on – alpha, beta, theta or delta. For positive effects and relaxation, alpha state is the best state. This stage is achieved through audio aid. Specially recorded CD`s and cassettes are made so that when people listen to them, their minds calm down. Usually, alpha stage is associated with general relaxation and day dreaming. Recordings are around 8-14 Hz. Although listening to this specially recorded music is the best way to reach alpha level, you can also reach this level by day dreaming (visualizing a calming scene – beach, river, lush forests etc) or meditating. When you are in this level, both hemispheres of your brain function together. This enables the conscious mind to communicate with the sub conscious mind and vice versa. This happens only when you are completely relaxed and in tune with your soul albeit being aware of your surroundings. In such a state, a person is more receptive to ideas, senses are heightened and ability to learn increases.
Many people find it difficult to sit still, concentrate and focus on your breathing. Meditation is a difficult task and people tend to give it up when they dont feel instant results. But these specially designed and recorded music tapes help you find serenity and calmness. After listening to these tapes, your mind does not wander and you are able to soothe your nerves, relax tensed muscles, let go off frustration and basically reach a state of happiness. It is not an easy task to induce the alpha level of relaxation and hence aid of music is necessary. As you go deeper into this form, different techniques such as hypnosis is used to attain a higher level of relaxation – theta.
If you cannot practice this level of relaxation, at least make it a point to sit quietly for some time every single day, and just concentrate on breathing. Greater quantities of oxygen will bring positive changes in your body, mind and soul. Above all, do away with all negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive ones.

Author's Bio: 

Break The Norms provides life coaching, personal development and professional growth advice in New York. Join our customized programs for your personal transformation & professional growth. Meditate, discover, & transform into a new YOU!