That voice within—do you really listen to it, or do you disregard the idea or notion that you pay attention to that inner voice? That inner voice is your intuition. The voice that says, “No, let us just forget about this for now”, “Yes, it is the right thing”, or even “Wait, let us think about this for awhile.” This intuition is your guide, the one thing in which you could truly count on or rely on that is oftentimes looking out for your best interests…if you choose to listen intently for it, not interrupting the message, and truly act on its direction.

In every instance, your inner voice guides and leads you to take action. Your instinct usually steps in when you are most quiet, so, when your intuition tells you something, do you hear and listen to it? Moreover, do you even know how to identify it? Most individuals find the answers to their questions just out of the blue, when they are not even looking for them.

While others find them during meditation, or when they are dreaming. Some simply “feel” the right or proper thing to do, or what the next step in the plan must be. There are various ways in which your instinct would talk to you, and everyone’s voice within is different and unique.

Maybe it is your belief that your instinct is only ‘mumbo jumbo’. It's so easy to believe this because your inner voice is not thought of as a concrete thing. It is based on nonverbal things, feelings, unconscious thinking and instinct. Intuition oftentimes is viewed and perceived at as gray, and this is absolutely not a description for persons who define and look at things in black and white.

But intuition as gray—it's not. Out intuition is generally an outline or synopsis of information that has been received and stored in through all of our memory, subconscious, senses and reasoning. It's somewhat similar to a clear comprehensive view in Cliff Notes’ format. Yet it's so easy to let that voice within be clouded or covered by other things.

Doubt, desire, fear and over-reasoning all just some of the several kinds of intuition blockers. Rather, listen and trust at your inner voice because it is your personal guide to the right path for you mostly all the time. Not merely when your instinct falls in line with your thinking on a certain subject.

Switch off whatever limiting beliefs or ideas that might be overshadowing your intuition. So how do you learn to trust your intuition? Let yourself consciously ask for the answers to your questions or for something that you are seeking or looking for and write down and record the results when indeed, they happen.

Imagine or visualize yourself unlocking a door and seeing the answers tumble from within. Like in everything else, if it is constantly practiced, it easily comes out naturally. Through proof and repetition, your trust and confidence in your inner voice called intuition become second nature to trust it automatically.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem. Click here to get more info about her Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You.