Going out into the world and demanding it gives you everything you want takes one thing: courage. Courage is all about that attitude and confidence that seems to come naturally to some people while remaining scary and elusive to others. The courage to get out there and take what’s rightfully yours, what you deserve, is something that you just can’t learn—or can you?

When we look at movies like “The Wizard of Oz,” we’re taught that courage isn’t just something you can obtain, like the Cowardly Lion asking for courage from The Great Oz—it’s something you are born with. But take a closer look at that movie and you’ll notice that the Cowardly Lion didn’t even know he was born with courage until it came out naturally. The truth is, most people who wouldn’t describe themselves as very courageous simply don’t know they have courage.

So, how can you bring your courage out and be brave and bold enough to get everything you’ve ever wanted? Simple: attitude and confidence.

How to Bring Out Your Courage—Fake it ‘Till You Make It

Have you ever heard that if you’re sad, all you have to do is smile until you’re happy? If not, try it sometime—it really does work. The psychology behind this is that if you’re smiling, your brain already associates those facial muscles being in that position because it is happy. When you’re happy, you feel good so your brain thinks it might have missed something and it releases endorphins (which relieve pain) and serotonin (which makes you feel good). In no time at all, you’ll actually feel happier, just by smiling. In fact, if you were to watch a cartoon and smile, you’ll find it funnier than if you watched it frowning. Go ahead and try!

But what does this have to do with courage? Well, the same principle applies here. If you go out there with the right attitude and confidence, you’ll soon find that your courage isn’t fake, it’s very real. This is one of the simplest ways to bring out your inner courage. Why? Because your brain will believe that you have reason to be confident and carry yourself with attitude.

Confidence and Attitude Breed Courage

In fact, when you look at other people and admire their courage, you’re likely just admiring their attitude and confidence. But what does that really stem from? To be honest, most people are just as afraid of taking the bull by the horns as you are. So why do they feel so confident?

It’s all about changing your mindset and adopting a new attitude. The attitude is fairly simple. It just states:

• I’m going to take chances because nothing is really as bad as it seems

• I’m going to try new things because the worst that can happen is I don’t like it and never do it again

• I’m going to talk to new people because if they don’t like me, I never have to see them again

• I’m going to be myself because life is too short to be anyone else

• I’m going to get what I want out of life because if I don’t take it, someone else will and I deserve it!

Even if you find it hard at first to ever think that you could be the type of person that believes these things or could ever do these things, try it for two weeks. Give each one of these mindsets a shot for just two weeks and then honestly ask yourself how you feel. Do you feel confident? Do you have a great attitude toward life? Are you courageously going after everything you want? Are you happier? The answers to these questions will surprise you.

Your Attitude is Your Confidence

Of course, you’re going to have to be honest with yourself in embracing these attitudes and approaching them with confidence. Just look at it like an experiment and jump in with both feet. If at the end of the experiment you don’t feel like you have the right attitude or still aren’t confident, you’ve lost nothing, but gained some valuable insight about yourself.
On the other hand, if you do feel like you like this attitude and it gives you confidence and the courage to take what you deserve from life and live the heck out of it, then hey, you’re one step closer to winning.

Author's Bio: 

Aslam Cheval is the Founder of www.powerofsuccess.net. With a passion for personal development, motivation ​& Success, Aslam started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring people all over the world about the importance of having a positive mindset in achieving success.
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