The term "impotence" itself appeared in the distant 1665, while its definition, in which it is used now, appeared much earlier. Men have suffered from sexual impotence from time immemorial, but relatively recently they began to try to fight it. You can often hear from doctors about erectile dysfunction, which also means impotence. In fact, the stigmatized term “impotence” has been replaced with erectile dysfunction in medical practice. But when people talk about the disease, they still use the initial term.
With age, people only become wiser, but not healthier. The majority of men reaching 40 years note that they have periodic sexual weakness during or before intercourse. After 60 years, a rare man can boast of excellent sexual health.
There is no definite onset of erectile dysfunction. Many men, reading in magazines and on the Internet about impotence at the age of 40, begin to think about it, thereby subconsciously pushing themselves to problems. It all depends on the health of the person and his capabilities, lifestyle. Besides, if you had a single incidence of failed erection, it is far from impotence!
Before declaring yourself impotent and giving up an active sex life, familiarize yourself with 5 key factors in determining sexual impotence:
- Lack of sexual attraction to the female sex;
- Insufficient erection or its complete absence with sexual desire;
- Difficulties with the introduction of the penis into the vagina, upon contact;
- Inability to perform frictional actions, rapid onset of fatigue, loss of erection;
- Inability to achieve orgasm in a man.
Only you have at least 3 signs that occur repeatedly, then it’s time to see a doctor.
There are several types of impotence , among which the above symptoms are noted. That is, if a man has an erection, but he is not capable of frictions, this is one kind of the disease. And when a man is ready for frictions and is full of sexual desire, but cannot achieve an erection – it is a different kind of the disease. Depending on the form of sexual impotence, the doctor prescribes treatment. Therefore, in no case should you diagnose yourself and self-medicate. And of course, in no case you should give up on your sex life.
Age is not a cause of impotence, but rather a negative factor that increase the likelihood of the disorder occurrence. This is proved by men who are 60 years old, full of strength and sexually active. The true reasons can be hidden both in the head, and be the consequences of past illnesses and improper lifestyle. If we divide the causes of sexual impotence into groups, we get the following:
- Endocrine disorders;
- Vascular disorders;
- Neurological disorders;
- Use of medications;
- Anatomic features of the penis.
Calling the process of returning to sex life as a treatment is somehow rude and incorrect. Because many do not consider impotence to be a disease. Better to say - the restoration of erection. So, the same methods are the cause of impotence should be addressed when restoring the sexual function. If there are problems with blood vessels, you need to treat them. If the reasons are in your head, the doctor will refer you to a sex therapist, etc. In any case, the doctor must determine the root of the problem. Modern and diagnostic methods are completely painless and safe.
Unfortunately, when there are any signs of sexual impotence, men are ashamed to see a doctor and try to cope with the problem on their own or give up on their sex life. You should understand that all functions of your body are important and if one fails, you should not self-medicate but go to a medical professional who can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. You can also use erection-enhancing pills such as Viagra or Cialis, but keep in mind that they don’t cure impotence but only temporary help with the symptoms.
Nina Phill, MD
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