What is the meaning of Addiction?
An addiction, broadly speaking is a compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance such as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol. It is characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal. Broadly speaking, it’s a persistent compulsive use of a substance, known by the user to be harmful.

There’s a great definition in a book by Gerald G. May called Addiction and Grace. He says that addiction is any “compulsive habitual behavior that limits the freedom of human desire. It is caused by attachment, or nailing of desire to specific objects.”

Who Is An Addict?
In general, an addict is someone either with a psychological or a physical dependence to something that he or she is unable to stop, despite the negative consequences.

How Do I Know If I’m Addicted?

A good way is to go back again to Dr. May’s definition. There are actually five criteria that can help you see if you’re addicted.

1. Tolerance.

The tolerance to the substance of abuse increases. In other words, it takes more and more indulgence in the addiction to reach the same level of satisfaction.

2. Withdrawal.

The person suffers in some way or experiences dis-ease when the substance or behavior is removed or denied.

3. Self-Deception.

The mind deceives the addict with obsessive thoughts about the substance as well as about reality. The thinking then becomes a problem, and it’s frequently called “DENIAL,” an inability or unwillingness to face the truth or reality of the situation.

4. Loss Of Will Power

One part of the addict really wants to be free and realizes there might be a problem, but a bigger part is held captive by the addiction.

5. Distortion Of Attention

All the attention and energy is focused on how to find the next fix or act out the next behavior.

Analyzing the behavior against these five criteria can be a simple way to find out if, in fact, either the substance or the behavior is a problem.

What types of addictions will we be talking about in our book?

Just to keep it simple we’ll be talking about any substance or behavior that causes or limits freedom. So, from that standpoint, the list can be endless.

To read more about addiction, check out the FREE book, Overcome Addiction Now

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Lenington, MA is an authority on the psychology of recovery with a purpose of assisting others to experience the psychic change that is sufficient to assure a life of irresistible joy and balance. As a life-long learner and lover of new and fun techniques, she insists that recovery be joyful...otherwise, why do it? The bottom line? If it doesn't work, try something else!

She also trains other coaches and previously has worked as a physical therapist as well as having owned several companies that develop websites; she has worked for NASA as a research engineer. http://crossaddictionrecovery.com/12stepPrograms