Many people ask “how can I lose weight using hypnosis” and the answer is more simple than you might imagine. Now you may be thinking “there’s no way you can hypnotize me, and I just lose weight” and you would be 100% right, because that is not the way it works. Common misconceptions in regard to hypnosis would have a person believing that they could be hypnotized, and they would then simply follow the commands given, but it just is not that simple. It is a bit more complicated and yet so simple at the same time, if you know what I mean!

Hypnosis is not what you see on television. The television hypnotist would lead you to believe that a person who is put into a hypnotic state is asleep, when in fact they are put into a highly aware trance-like state of mind, and that is how it works with weight loss, among other things.

Hypnosis is the act of putting a person into this highly aware trance-like state, and then using the power of suggestion through subliminal messages much of the time. Hypnosis “trains” your sub-conscious mind to follow a certain set of rules or suggestions, from there what it ultimately does is to build your will power and self determination to stick with a diet that works.

Let’s face it, people are creatures of habit, and with many over-weight people they will eat because of this habit. Hypnosis helps us to resist our habits, while we stick to our diet. Internally, or in our sub conscious mind, we believe that we have eaten plenty and we are “full”, when we couple this power of suggestion with eating in a healthy manner, we begin to slowly lose weight.

This method is a much more healthy way to diet because as your doctor will tell you, losing too much weight too fast can be just as bad as being over-weight to begin with. A good healthy diet, prescribed by your doctor or even a dietitian, coupled with a hypnosis program which is available through use of a hypnotherapist, or even on audio tapes, DVDs and CDs, can use this power of suggestion within your sub conscious mind to indicate when you have had enough to eat.

Reaching this feeling or full-up state just happens to coincide with the amount of food and calorie intake prescribed by the physician or dietitian.

There was a study conducted by researchers that included 160 overweight individuals. These people were divided into 4 equal groups, with each of the 4 groups representing a popular diet program. Each and every person lost weight on these programs, and the programs were successful when used in conjunction with a hypnosis program.

What this proves, is that the power of suggestion through the use of the hypnotic trance will keep your determination intact, and you will successfully lose weight with a proper diet and exercise program. It will also lessen the possibility of cheating or dropping your diet with the addition of hypnosis.

So to conclude, you most definitely can lose weight using hypnosis in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise, all you have to do is take the necessary steps to get the program started.

Author's Bio: 

John Osgood is a hypnosis enthusiast who runs the website

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