If you are sending a card in the mail, regardless of the card you need to make sure the envelope is properly fitted to the card. If the envelope is too large, the contents inside the envelope is just going to bounce around, which in turn can possibly damage the information found in the card. On the other hand, if the envelope is too small, you are going to have to fold up and crush the information you want to place in the envelope, and cards can become extremely difficult to fold, due to the thick cardboard or paper the card is made out of. Plus, this does not give off a good look for the card. With all this in mind, you need to make sure you locate the best envelope for your card.

If you are selecting a card to mail out for someone's birthday, wedding or other event, check the display unit the card is housed in, as most cards have a provided envelope that comes with it. This allows you to have the perfect fit envelope for the card, as the envelope is designed just for this card. It is also a good idea to test out the envelope with the card, before you purchase the card. This way, you know the card is going to fit inside the envelope, before you go out and fill out the message in the card. You don't want any surprises with the card when you arrive home, as driving back out to the store just to purchase an envelope is a bit of a chore.

If you hand crafted the card yourself, or if the card does not come with card envelopes, you need to purchase the envelope separately. In order to to this, you need to know the dimensions of the card you are mailing. Measure the length and the width of the card, to know the complete dimensions, then when shopping for the envelope, you need to find such an envelope that is able to hold the card, without forcing you to fold it. When the envelope is not specifically designed for the card, there is a chance that the envelope is not join to completely fit the card perfectly. However, as long as it is large enough to allow you to slide the card in without folding it, you should be alright. Just try to get the envelope to fit the card as snug as possible.

When sending a card with something breakable (such as a CD or DVD) you need to locate an envelope that is padded. The padding is going to protect the breakable content while in shipment, as you never know what is going to happen during this time. The padding is generally made out of bubble wrap, although there are some "green" based envelopes that are made out of completely recycled material. Make sure to try to fit the envelope to the card before buying it, as the padding often takes away from of the interior space of the envelope, and you don't want to try to slide the card in, just to find out it isn't going to fit. Also keep in mind, that the padded envelopes are going to not only cost more to purchase, but to ship, as the envelopes weigh more than a standard card envelopes. Keep this in mind, when you are determining if you want to purchase a padded envelope or not.

If you are creating your own card and need card envelopes for it, first look at the size of the card and determine if it is the same size, if not larger than a standard post card. The post office does not deliver incredibly small letters, as it is too easy to lose. If the design of the card is smaller than a post card, you need to make it larger, otherwise the post office is not going to carry it.

Enveloppe Nederland are an enveloppe supplier, offering a wide range of envelopes so each individual can find their perfect envelopes.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Glendale is the marketing manager of A1 Business Search and has been responsible for the smooth running of both the internet and social media marketing for the last decade now. Adept in all areas of successful internet advertising for both A1 Business Search and their branch of subsidiary companies, it is Mark Glendale’s goal to continue providing exceptional leadership and management qualities.