Today I wake up at 6:00 AM and headed to the gym. I took my dog Michael with me because the gym is in a park. I thought we could run first. It was so beautiful outside. The air was cool and fresh. The park was full on runners, walkers,bikers and dogs. It was nice to see so many people out enjoying nature and taking care of themselves. It is very common here in Denver but I was enjoying it all the same.
Michael and I had a great run then he waited in the car for me while I worked out. It was cool enough for him to do so and I was grateful. I don’t normally take him due to the weather. I had a great workout then decided to take Michael for a walk around the lake and meditate. The weather was so “perfect” I just wanted to enjoy it. We have been having 90-100 degree weather so today was perfect.
As I mediated all I could think about was “It Was A Perfect Day” I was enjoying the gift of a cool fresh day, taking care of my body and Michael’s, and taking care of my spirit of meditating and connecting with nature. I couldn’t think of a bette r way to start the day. It was a blessing to enjoy this great gift that was being given. I even started singing to myself “It’s a perfect day.”
All day seem to be just that. I took my time to enjoy the day. It stayed cool outside with a few clouds but I was like a kid enjoying every moment of the day. During the middle of the day something flowed in that wanted to steal my perfect day from me but I stopped it in it’s tracks. It was something that I had to change my thinking about. I made a choose to say “no and continue having a perfect day.
It even rained today. It was a real rain. The kind that pours from the heavens and everyone is running or waiting. I was so excited I called my mother in the midwest just to tell her. We hadn’t had rain all summer and not much in the spring. It was the perfect day for me and I felt like a kid running in the rain.
We all are blessed with perfect days. Some seems better then others at times. I didn’t have a big firework experiences today but it was the little things that made it perfect. The cool air, the getting up and moving, taking care of myself and my dog, connecting with nature, cleaning my car, answering emails, writing, checking out websites, arranging my calendar for the month, eating healthy, reading at the park with a picnic lunch for Michael and I, and yes, playing in the rain.
When you really take the time to just be with your day, it is the little things that make it the perfect day. Tomorrow and this week, see if you can find your perfect day. Take the time to make all of your days perfect or find something great that you can make perfect just by being with it.
Carol Guy is an angelic counselor. She is the author of A Healthy Mind Leads To A
Healthy Body and her new book, Coming Out Of the Spiritual Closet: Being An Earth
Angel, sharing the first part of her life as an earth angel. She is the host her own radio
program called Earth Angel with Blog Talk Radio.
Do you believe in Angels? More than likely, you do and, you are far from alone. Since
the beginning of our time here on earth, people have been “touched” by Angels. There
have been uncountable stories and reports and visions of Angels interacting with
(saving, rescuing, comforting, guiding) humans. Today, the numbers of people
experiencing and reporting these angelic encounters are increasing exponentially.
People from all walks of life -- all nations, all cultures, all races, all faiths and all
religions--are personally experiencing and believing in Angels.
The real question is whether or not you believe that Angels can be incarnated into
human form? What if your mom, partner, or best friend came to you one day and said, “I
am an Angel.” How would you react to this? Would you doubt them? Would you think
they finally lost it?
Through numerous personal experiences and revelations Carol Guy, realized that not
only can Angels incarnate as human beings, but she is one of them. Working through her own doubt, confusion, and skepticism, she eventually had to face that, that the fact
that she is an incarnated angel, and that she is not alone in this mission
In April 2003, Carol was given a profound message: “I am the angel Elijah. You are to
awaken and call forth all other earth angels. You will be guided. We love you. You are
the mother of all.”
Carol has been guided by angels to many other earth angels just like her. Carol and the
angels are here to help others to come out of the spiritual closet. With their loving
guidance they will guide you into seeing how beautiful you truly are and the blessings
you bring to this world. That all we need to do is to open our hearts to ourselves and let
the love that is there radiant to others and in your world. Carol and the angels have
been guiding and mentoring others on a path of true discovery.
Carol has been gifted in her psychic sense the age of 7 but didn't pursue it until later in
life when she answered Gods call that set her forth on her spiritual path. Being Divinely
guided intuitively she went about discovering herself by way of many spiritual
experiences, receiving messages through angels, ascended masters, and other spirit
guides. Through channeling she has chosen to use her abilities for higher purpose, not
only personal messages of the past, present and future but also divine truths.
Illuminating the path to spiritual growth and to help guide others to their personal power.
She is gifted in Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance. She
communicates with angels, fairies, nature spirits, animals, and deceased loved ones.
She is also a Life Fitness Coach with an extensive background in metaphysical studies
and physical fitness. A former personal trainer, helping people with a physical
transformation, she finds that in her life of yo-yo dieting and endless weight loss
programs. With the guidance of angels she is able to see and hear what is truly causing
others to have an unhealthy body.
Carol is available for personal counsel, radio and television interviews. For more
information please visit her web sites at or
or contact her a and 254-289-7106
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