Whether you are looking for a job in your sector or if you want to reinvent yourself in another professional career, the CV template is adapted to each of their professions and will give you clues on the points to take into account when preparing your CV. Tested for clarity and readability, Candidate Talent will add just the right amount of style to your professional experience.
A Curriculum Vitae or CV is a professional document that summarizes all of your professional history, education, and skills. The main purpose of a CV is to sell or apply as a candidate for potential employers. When you apply for a position, you will always be asked for a CV along with a cover letter.
In Europe, there is no difference between the two, however, the term curriculum vitae is more popular in the United States while the abbreviation CV is much more common in the United Kingdom.
However, a CV sometimes refers to an academic CV more or less the same as a CV, but much more complete. While a CV is short (one or two pages maximum) and comprehensive (only relevant experience), an academic CV can have as many pages as needed, covering everything you have done in your professional career.
Now you are probably wondering if these resume templates are for employment or are they for college resumes?
The answer is both: you can use our templates either way! If you are looking for an academic CV, just add more pages. If you are looking for a traditional resume, you just need to stick to the one-page limit.
It takes time to write a good CV, but here's a quick summary:
Choose a model that suits you. Apply for a creative position? Choose a creative template. Are you looking for a job in a bank? Choose a professional banking model.
Follow the outline of our CV and fill in your work history, education, skills, etc. If you want to know how to do it exactly, check out our complete guide to writing a curriculum vitae (CV).
Follow the directions mentioned in the tips section of our blog
Submit your CV and start preparing for your next interview!
The most common sections of a CV are:
Contact Information - Your contact information. This covers email, name, professional title, and social profiles.
Resume Summary (Resume Purpose) - You can display the resume summary as an introduction to the resume. It's a small paragraph (2 to 4 sentences) that goes through the CV and gives an idea of your professional background.
It usually includes job titles, years of experience, and one or two major accomplishments. The objective of a CV, on the other hand, is suitable for candidates with limited work experience, as it focuses more on the intention to work in the company and on the skill set.
Work Experience - Your work history in reverse chronological order. Starting with the most recent and ending with the oldest.
Skills - A list of your most important skills. This includes both soft and technical skills.
Everything about CVs is very subjective. One hiring manager may like your creative resume template, another may find it very tacky.
Likewise, if you want to add a little more personality to your resume, or if you are a recent graduate without much work experience, you can also include some of the optional sections - hobbies and interests, volunteer experience, and personal projects.
Personalize this curriculum vitae template to create your own CV, review what to include in each section, examples, and writing tips and advice.
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