“Taking care of your own body should be your greatest priority if you expect a long and healthy life. I encourage you to get into the habit of juicing on a daily basis. The benefits that go along with it are such that you will never want to give it up”.

Those were the words of Dr Norman Walker the American raw food pioneer who lived for 109 years (1875 – 1895) and the man responsible for popularising juicing in the USA and Canada.

By correcting the acid/alkaline imbalances in our bodies, fresh fruit and vegetable juice assists in reducing stress and high blood pressure. The human body needs an alkaline environment and the best high alkaline foods are fresh, raw fruit and vegetables.

Fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juice is vital to maintaining good health and a quality juicer employs unique juice extraction methods to keep fresh the vital elements of fruit and vegetables.

People of all ages can enjoy the benefits of juicing and it has been universally proven that the juice of raw fruits and vegetables has extensive rejuvenating properties helping people to heal all kinds of health problems.

You need to choose a juicer that does not destroy enzyme or vitamin content, does not rip or tear the food and applies a low constant pressure to the food. There are numerous benefits to adding freshly squeezed juice to your diet to help towards ensuring a good supply of your daily nutrients and minerals.

So, let’s look at the natural alternatives to keeping our bodies in tune with nature and discover the power of raw juicing. Get back on track to better health and vitality and get juicing and fight off the winter blues.

Author's Bio: 

Tony Hodge is managing director of Tasman Trading Company. Tony has been supplying juicers New Zealand wide since 1987. So to buy a low speed juicer or Oscar Juicers contact Tony on 0064 9 521 7128.