This Law of Attraction strategy requires a commitment from you to set time aside. Use this time to focus on doing some Law of Attraction manifesting exercises to jump start your business results. For those of you who are not working with a Law of Attraction results Coach, you may wonder what some manifestations exercises are that you can use to improve your Law of Attraction results.

A great one to get you started is to practice visualizing what it is that you want for 15 minutes a day. Write down your goals and then visualize them and repeat your affirmations and you will achieve amazing results. Most of the important work you do using the Law of Attraction calls for large chunks of time to complete your practice of Law of Attraction exercises. Your ability to create time daily to practice Law of Attraction exercises is important to your ability to make a significant jumpstart to your business attraction results whether it is a big or small goal.

I have found after coaching hundreds and hundreds of highly successful solo-preneurs that they have learned to set aside a specific time period each day to focus on their business attraction plan that we have created together. Rather than procrastinating or waiting for the perfect time to practice and implement the exercises, they decide that they will chunk together an hour a day and they then discipline themselves to follow through on their goals. A large number of the solo-preneurs that I coach set aside a certain time each day to read, review, reflect, and implement their business attraction plan to accelerate their Law of Attraction results.

Many of the people I work with set aside 30-60 minutes each day for this exercise. Some of them also spend 30 minutes in the evening as well and this really accelerates their results. In this way, over time, they eventually manifest more than they have ever dreamed of in ways that they could never have imagined. The secret to the success of this strategy is for you to plan your Law of Attraction exercises in advance and purposely plan a specific time period for focusing on this plan.

You make these appointments with yourself and then practice keeping them. You set aside thirty, sixty and ninety minute chunks of time that you use to work on and complete your Law of Attraction business attraction plan exercises.
Many highly effective solo-preneurs schedule specific Law of Attraction activities in advance to increase their results. These people shape their day around accomplishing their business attraction plans daily. As a result, they become more and more productive and eventually manifest faster than the average solo-preneurs without a business attraction plan.

Here are two things you can do to start now.

Sit down and organize each day to create large chunks of time you can use for reading, reviewing, reflecting and implementing your business attraction plan.

Choose a specific time each day to focus on this plan and this will dramatically speed up your Law of Attraction results. Make a promise to yourself that you will be dedicated, and then celebrate your results!

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Copyright © 2009. Beverly Boston, Eve-olutionAtLast, All rights reserved. If you like this article and want to find out more about how Beverly Boston works with Solo-preneurs who are very good at what they do…but struggle with thinking bigger, playing bigger, and making more money and don’t know why. For more info on how Beverly can help you have a high six-seven figure business & beyond and improve your Law of Attraction results visit: