“Money is the secret to all the keys,” says a popular quote. It won’t be exaggeration if said that a sound financial status is the key to a happy life. It is a known fact that a sound financial status can handle majority of the so called life problems. Though many say that money cannot get you happiness, the fact remains that money can get the various happiness contributors. In addition, in the current scenario various health experts say that one of the major contributors to health and mental problems is financial problems. Financial problems are one problem that seems to be affecting all earning capacities for the following reasons:
Mismanagement of savings and bad investment planning
Imbalance in the earnings and expenditure.
The ratio of increase in salary is not matching with the ratio of increase in the spending style, resulting to deficit.
Despite the fact that these are the major reasons for financial problems, human tendency is to put the blame of the financial crisis on external factors like lack in salary hike, sudden expenditure etc. However, this imbalance in financial status can lead to various financial problems like:
Loss of self confidence: As you lack financial strength, you stop taking risk and start doubting your skills and confidence. You tend to behave safe that acts as a barrier to success.
Insecurity: As you have less money to spend, you start thinking that your friends consider you as a failure and therefore, wish to stay aloof.
Dissatisfaction: Lack of money makes you kill your desires and wishes leading to a sense of dejection and dissatisfaction.
Thus, with the above pointers, it is clear that financial problems need to be addressed effectively. So, here are some tips to know how to overcome financial problems:
Think from the long term perspective: There is a new tendency of people neglecting the long term perspective in life. Therefore, people seem to save less and despite a hike in salary believe in spending. Therefore, looking at the financial planning from the long term perspective is important.
Keep a tap on your expenses: These days the criterion for buying has shifted from necessity to social buying. This shift has resulted to a trend of unexpected expenses resulting to imbalance in finances. Therefore, ensure that what you buy is useful and necessary for you.
Salaries will not change overnight but if you plan them properly you can definitely ensure that you have sound financial status. Therefore, have a monthly budget with some flexibility to accommodate sudden expenses. Try to stick to the budget.
However, for all those who make a financial plan and stick to it, lead a happy and stable life. However, there are cases of people who have failed to handle their finances and have fallen prey to depression resulting to continuous failures in life. For all those people, in addition to attaining financial status, gaining self confidence too becomes important. In such scenario opting for an external help for this dual improvement is suggested. For such, people Trivedi masters are the good option who give financial counselling and with the help of Trivedi effect reinstate self confidence too.
The author is associated with Trivedi effect and has written many contents on disorders and science. He has also written many blogs and articles on financial problems and other topics too.
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