Do you dream of starting your own business doing work you love? Have you been laid off or are you contemplating leaving a job? Have you always wanted to operate a portable dog washing service? Maybe you want to bake cookies that put Mrs. Fields to shame or you dream of owning your own 60's themed diner.

You've bought the how-to books. You've taken the business classes at your local community college. But then, cold reality grips your heart. The truth comes to light. You're scared @$*!less to take that leap into a new venture. You wonder how you can ever pay the bills doing what you love and the prospect of having no regular paycheck is enough to paralyze you with fear.

The good news is that you're not the only one. Most people are afraid to leave their jobs and their steady incomes to start a new business or career. Most people think the benefits of their job are enough to warrant staying in it.

Well, I'd like you to reconsider. Take a minute and think about how much you spend on your current job. Remember to add up commuting, wardrobe, lunches out, and that latte you pick up on the way to work every morning. How about the doctor's bills from your stress-related symptoms? How about the over-the-counter drugs you're buying for the headaches, back aches, and indigestion?

Now, considering these factors, how much do you REALLY make? People are so afraid to leave jobs because of the "benefits," but is it really a benefit to bend to someone else's will? Hey, when you're an entrepreneur, you're the only one who can fire you!

If you get laid off, hallelujah! Break out the champagne and glasses! You've been given the opportunity to go out and find what you love to do. You need to take that chance and take classes, or seminars, or do whatever you need to do to start up your business. Hopefully you'll not only be happier, but also be employed by you!

What is essential when you're starting a new venture? It's vital to have a mastermind group and a personal/business coach during this process so that you can brainstorm with qualified experts.

Let your creativity flow and that river could lead you to your dream. It will be hard to give up a steady income and jump into a new venture, but if you persist and put in the hours,it will be beneficial in the end.

One vital part of all this is that to be able to start your own venture and leave your steady income, you've got to get yourself in the place--emotionally, spiritually, and financially--in which you can take a risk. I've got something that will help you do just that, my latest book.

You can find this book, Get Out of Debt and Get On With Your Life, by clicking on the link in the author bio box below. There you'll discover a lot of resources personally and professionally to save and earn a ton of money!

Take a deep breath, get a handle on your finances, and dream big. The only one holding you back once your resources are in place is you. Be bold, be SMART, and be you!

Take the leap, make a plan, let go of your current job "benefits," and begin to reap the benefits of being a small business owner and doing work you love to do!

Author's Bio: 

Professional speaker and coach Dr. Barnsley Brown loves helping people like you save thousands of dollars and start living the life of their dreams! Check out Dr. Barnsley's exciting e-book and audio package, Get Out of Debt and Get On With Your Life, at