Leadership is a privilege reserved for those who are ready for the awesome responsibility of training, developing, mentoring, guiding, and correcting the people who are under their charge. The task of leadership offers long hours, lots of hard work, frustration, setbacks, and obstacles…leadership is not easy, yet like anything else you get out of it what you put into it.

Taking up the mantle of leadership is an honor for all those who have been given the opportunity to lead. This honor is not bestowed upon everyone. Those who have been blessed to have served in a leadership position understand that it is a gift to lead other people to accomplish a goal or specific result. The reward of seeing the fruits of your blood, sweat, and tears grow, blossom and branch out to become leaders themselves is well worth the effort.

The mantle of leadership is made up of multiple parts; on one hand, as a leader, you are there to support, mentor, coach, and teach one or more people. On the other hand, you are there to push people to go beyond their perceived boundaries – you want them to do what they have never done before. Leadership is about change, so if you are ok with maintaining the status quo, you must understand that that is not leadership. A person can and will maintain the status quo by himself, a leader is not needed. You are not leading if you are satisfied with the way things currently “are,” because a leader is always looking to improve and to do things better, more efficiently and more effectively.

It’s the leader that comes along to inspire people to look and strive beyond what’s easy, expected or comfortable – a leader who inspires people to dream and believe for the extraordinary; for something greater than they can imagine or think. People are waiting for a leader to move them from ordinary to extraordinary. Are you that leader?

Author's Bio: 

Vernon Myers is the founder of 100LeadershipInsights.com, a site dedicated to observing, reflecting, gaining insight, and taking action on leadership insights. I am seeking to connect with people who have ideas, insights, and leadership experiences to share.

Vernon is also the author of The Idea Journal visit his website at Get the Idea Journal to find out how to unleash your urge to create.

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