There are basically two types of hemorrhoids - internal and external. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are external ones that have ruptured, which in severe cases can lead to a blood clot. If these hemorrhoids become strangulated, you will know it because the resulting pain can be quite severe, which is why so many people are desperate to get rid of this problem.

Without going into too much detail, when you have external hemorrhoids that have thrombosed, you will usually be able to feel them because there is an excess of tissue that will either be soft or hard, and very painful.

If you can find a way of looking at them with an angled mirror, you will notice that they are often a blue colour. This is basically the veins that you can see through the skin, and they are blue because there is a restriction of blood flow in this area.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids are not a major problem in the majority of cases, and in some instances they will go away on their own (but not always unfortunately). However they are a real inconvenience and they can really get you down every day. This is particularly the case if you are sat down for most of the day because there will be a lot of pain and swelling in that area.

Unlike internal hemorrhoids, they do not tend to result in any bleeding, which is a small blessing. However it can sometimes occur if they are put under a lot of friction or if they are irritated quite a lot.

So what treatment options are available for thrombosed hemorrhoids?

Well there are lots of things you can do to ease some of the pain and discomfort. One of the easiest things you can do is to jump into a hot bath one or more times a day. If you don't have time for this, then applying a hot compress on a regular basis will also have the same effect.

Another thing you can do is to avoid sitting down for too long and try to get more exercise. This may help your symptoms subside to some extent.

It is also a good idea to change your diet. You don't want to be straining when you go to the bathroom, so eating a diet that is high in fiber will always help give you smooth and regular bowel movements, which will definitely help. Taking some kind of stool softener and drinking lots of water may also be beneficial.

If you do all of these things and still find that your thrombosed hemorrhoids just won't go away, then you do have one option left and that's to have them surgically removed or drained. Whatever you decide, it is always to discuss all of your treatment options with your doctor because they are best placed to give you treatment advice about your own particular problem.

Author's Bio: 

James Woolley runs a health and beauty blog which features a few more articles about hemorrhoids including some Hemocyl reviews and this article which discusses the causes of hemorrhoids.