You are running faster to stand stiller…

The fear still chases you…

But fear never leads anywhere good…

It makes you feel busy… oh so busy…

But definitely not wealthier…

Definitely not happier…

So, leader, what is the point?

What is the point of reacting so much to the fear?

Yes, your situaiton may be dire…

Yes, you may be scared that you will never get everything you want…

Yes, you may think that Spirit has completely deserted you…

Yes, the state of your finances may be a mess…

Your relationships too…

Everything hanging over you like a messy affair…

All vying for your attention…

All causing you to react…

And to what end?

The fear makes you retreat…

It makes you shrink…

It makes you blame yourself or others…

And none of that gets you anywhere…

Remember, leader, YOU ARE LEADER!

Called to something more…

Desiring a great, amazing life…

The fear takes you in the opposite direction…

And yes, you are busy, seemingly working hard…

But how much of that work is productive?

How much of that work is simply a reaction to the fear inside?

No great work will ever be accomplished while you give into the fear…

Yes, fear is so convincing…

So loud…

It wants all your attention and you seem to be unable to help but respond and react to the fear…

It got you nowhere before, it gets you nowhere now…



Calling your true great self out!

Let the fear go!

Yes, Leader, you do have everything you need within you to win…

All those big gigantic visions will be yours…

It is inevitable…

Listen to me – INEVITABLE!

If you will turn away from the fear and start acting in love, in peace, in gratitude, in trust…

Nothing can happen to you that you will not recover from…

You are carried in the arms of Spirit…

And when you are trapped in the fear cycle, you do not sense it…

You feel alone…

But you are never ever alone…


Be at peace, honey!


Your great success is inevitable…

This part here is just part of the journey to being the strong, powerful leader you are born to be…

Don’t respond to the fear!

See it, acknowledge that the situation is not great but then lovingly remind yourself to be still…

To see the vision, the true goal…

Write it all out again…

Consider every area of your life and write down what you choose…

Not what you think you must settle for…

Really go all out!

Dream the big dream…

Commit to it…

And ask for guidance…

Be silent, listen in…

Feel the swell of love, care, peace within you…

Then act.

Remember the actions you used to take when you did not feel all the pressure…

Remember the fun you used to have when life felt light and easy…

Choose to be that person again…

Choose to do that again…

You are leader, you know you love to communicate…

So communicate…

You are entrepreneur, you know building a mailing list is great…

Do that…

You are servant leader, you know you want to serve people with solutions that you carry…

Offer them…

Do it all from a place of peace and love for yourself and the people you feel called to serve…

Do your great work even now in the midst of what may feel like the worst time of your life…

Do your work anyway…

And trust that love has you in hand…

Set your intentions and move…

Breathe out fear…

Breathe in love, wealth, success, peace…

It is all yours, leader…

All yours!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – The Deliberate Millionaire Retreat is coming – For spirit driven entrepeneurial leaders who are done with feeling dragged from here to there by the demands of life and who are now ready to deliberately design the life and business they want.  Take time away from all the craziness and grant yourself the gift of thinking, planning, action.

This is where massive shifts will be made…

This is where you will see the fear for what it is and choose peace, wealth and success instead…

Spend 3 days with me in a lovely location, all meals and accommodation provided for a 3 day period at the end of October and let us design your wealthy ‘Because I want to’ life.

Private message me to find out more.


Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online