Love and relationship is a VERY crucial part of our everyday lives and we all strive to get or have that relationship filled with love, honesty, compromise, and everything else that can be found in a “fairytale-like” relationship leading to happily ever after! And that happily ever after seeks to lead to one thing and one thing only – MARRIAGE!

There is nothing more sweeter than a wedding, however, a wedding does not constitute a marriage. A wedding is merely the glamour in which family and friends come together to celebrate the fact the a union is being created for better or worst in sickness and in health. The marriage is however that potion AFTER the elaborate reception that all the work is done in. Meaning, this is where the decision is made to continue with living up to the vows created before God and man to serve and live for each other until DEATH!

So much time is spent planning and organizing a wedding that we forget the true meaning of the ceremony and we don’t put as much effort into the end result, which is the marriage. The same enthusiasm that you had when you were picking out that tux or dress or booking the reception or church hall is the exact same drive you must have when you are going to choose a house together, choose who make what decisions, choose who does what in and around the house or merely come to a compromise or a common ground to get both you and your spouse involved in EVERY decision making process.

Your decision to get married will be among the biggest you will ever make because it requires thoughtful consideration. And to be quite frank, being in love is not a good enough reason to get married because a satisfying marriage is as much about being compatible as it is about passion. Simply put, some general and specific and thought provoking questions MUST be answered in order to have a successful marriage. And I will be spending some time on some such questions in order to give you an overview of WHAT you need to bare in mind, WHEN you need to do it, HOW to go about doing it and WHERE you can do it. And no it is not just based on sex, this guide will be pretty much informing you about real-life problems that may occur if you choose to ignore some serious or simple factors about you and your partner.

So you may subscribe to the feed in order not to miss ANY of the questions or answers as they are posted. If you do miss them you just have to read them at random from the site.

All the best in your relationships and peace, love, long life and prosperity!

Ricky Ricardo

Author's Bio: 

Ricky Ricardo is a counselor of the love and relationship topic whop have had over 10 years experience in the field doing works at youth groups, churches and even private homes. I have made it my point of duty to get the information out to make my expertise known to a wider community and to get more people to gravitate towards the information that I have put together to assist couples with whatever problems they are having regarding relationships, love, marriage or wanting to get married.