In absolutely everything we think and do there are only two positions to think and act from. We can choose (consciously or unconsciously) between love or fear. When we act out of fear we literally create the experiences and conditions in our external reality that corresponds to that fear. When we act out of love, we attract corresponding conditions that are created by love. WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE TODAY? Your conscious choice will shape the quality of your experiences.

“Only in the heart can one experience the divine presence of truth.” Kabir

Intentions and actions that are fear-based serve to accumulate or assume power over others. Sadly, the more power we accumulate, the more power we need to keep the ego satisfied. Fear based living creates opposition, competition, and enemies. On the other hand, living from the heart and choosing love in our intentions and actions serves to generate even more love! The more we give, the more we want to continue giving! Love based living creates more love, joy, abundance, and peace in our lives. Isn’t that what we’re really striving for in each moment? We can create that for ourselves! The more we serve to be a blessing in the lives of others, the more opportunities manifest for US to receive even greater blessings in our own lives.

When we are living in fear, we are undoubtedly living in the past or the future. We do things to make up for something in the past, or we do things to prevent something from happening in our future. Either way, we are preventing ourselves from powerfully and beautifully living in the moment. When we choose love based living, we are choosing to live in the present. We recognize that the prime of our lives is right now! We keep this premise alive by searching for reasons to feel good all the time. We always have the option to consistently choose appreciation and tune ourselves into the energy of gratitude and love. In doing so, we create lives filled with JOY. We do not have to be burdened by the past or worried about the future unless we choose to be. It’s all a matter of where to choose to place our attention and focus. With conscious awareness and deliberate intention, we can let go of the past and remain open to the moment. We have the freedom to live in the present moment and experience it fully without the chains of negative emotion from the past weighing us down. This is always our choice. We are never forced to remain shackled to yesterday. Yesterday is over. Today is the only true reality, and we create it from moment to moment.

DARE YOURSELF TO DREAM. Ask yourself the following question. If you were fearless, would you still be doing what you’re doing right now? Would you be waiting to feel something in the future, or would you choose to act on it in the present? Those who have the courage to live fearlessly, embracing the authentic, limitless power within them, don’t wait for an imaginary future that never comes, they choose to act on their desires and passions in the present! They confidently choose to express what’s in their heart without holding their love and their dreams back until some later time. They choose to give the love within their heart openly, freely and without conditions. They recognize that the time for joy-full living is NOW!

Make a conscious choice today. Consciously shift from fear to love, from criticism to appreciation, from self-protection to self-expansion and from judgment into acceptance. Make the same choice tomorrow! Take it step by step. Make this choice from day to day without feeling overwhelmed about doing it six weeks from now! Just take it one day at a time and feel the authentic power within you rising to the surface and filling you with all the energy, eagerness, clarity, elation, acceptance, ease, flow, joy, and love.

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart…

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung

Author's Bio: 

Client Care Phone: 1-800-704-SOUL (Toll-Free)
Dear Phenomenal Future Client,

Working with me as your coach is unique. I say this because I've been in this industry for over 17 years. I combine my educational and professional background in counseling psychology, my energy medicine and wellness/fitness background with my life and business coaching certification and skills, my broadcasting skills as the host of the "Create Change Now" Radio Show, and blend that with my history as a best selling personal development author and my spiritual awareness and deep intuitive skills (heightened after my neath death experience 15 years ago) to help you shift from limitation to expansion in every area of your life. I love watching my clients as they thrive and flourish in ways they never even imagined. My approach as a life and business coach is a HOLISTIC (BODY, MIND, SPIRIT) one. This provides the balance and awareness I feel is essential to creating lasting fulfillment and success that flows from the inside-out. Your expansion awaits!

Credentials: Bachelor of Arts Degree: Psychology/Sociology, Masters in Counseling Psychology, Certified Life Coach, Certified Spiritual Coach, Certified Business Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Human Physiology and Exercise Science Expertise, Certified Personal Trainer with ACE. Certified/Attuned to Reiki I and II, Metaphysics, Certified in Hypnotherapy, International Mentor, Award-Winning Author of 5 books, including the Best-Seller: Create Change Now, Broadcaster/Host of Create Change Now Radio Show

Email me to set up a complimentary coaching strategy session so we can illuminate your soul's path and purpose and get you on the path to pure and authentic soul -driven success!