Low cost lead generation, lead capture pages, article writing, free traffic, mlm leads, funded proposal, e-mail responder, training videos ... hum. There is a lot to digest here especially, if you are new to the Internet network marketing industry.
All of this was foreign to me too, so I understand how you feel. Try not to be frustrated or discouraged. You are exactly where you need to be, why? Because recently you followed your instincts and they brought you to the world of online network marketing to increase and enhance your business endeavors.
Every creature on this earth has natural born instincts for the survival of their unique species. Without this wonderful inner mechanism many in the animal kingdom would perish.
So how about using those marvelous instincts to assist you in generating a low cost lead generation business. Even if all those unfamiliar words don’t make sense to you now, eventually they will all come together at the precise moment you need them the most and move you and your business up another notch as you boldly climb the ladder to success!
A few years ago my three younger children and I where on the final lap of a twenty-four hour drive from Utah to Texas. My two sons were asleep in the back seat, my daughter in front with me. It had been raining for days and many of the roads were flooded. To that point we had been fortunate enough not to run into any of the flooded out areas.
We were all extremely tired and ready to be home. Suddenly in front of us was a small pond right in the middle of the road. There was no way around it, so I decided to gun the car as fast as I could hoping it wasn’t very deep. It was at least 20 feet wide and 30 feet across.
As we hit the water the engined stopped immediately. As we started to float, I realized we happened to be in the area of the road where it dipped 12-18 inches.
Now, hang tight with me now and I will blend this all together with your low cost lead generation business and that innate ability you have within you to make it happen just the way you want it.
Now for the rest of the story...
Instantly before I even realized what was happening my 17 year old son, had jumped out of the car with the water up past his knees and started pushing the car to the opposite side of the road, and back out on the pavement. He was soaking wet, and we were all laughing and crying at the same time. That sudden instinct kicked in and he responded immediately.
The car still wouldn’t start, my cell phone was dead, and we were literally only a few miles from home. He then figured out that one of the fuses was burnt out, he knew just where they were and replaced it, just like that. I plugged in my phone and we were able to call my husband to come and get us. Hooray!
This all happened in less than five minutes. My son went from being sound asleep in the back of the car to instantly out the door, in the rain, water up to his knees, pushing the car forward in just a few seconds... his response not only helped us but saved a lot of damage on the car.
So the moral of the story... Follow your instincts, you don’t always have to know everything about low cost lead generation and all the strategies, tools, and lingo that go along with it. Listen to your heart, go at the pace that feels right for you and do something everyday.
No matter how impossible a situation may seem there is always an answer deep inside yourself. Follow it!
Here’s to using your instincts in building your business with success!
Debbie Babbitt is a Mentor in Network Marketing on the Internet. She and her partner specialize in http://www.lowcostleadgeneration.healyourmlmdream.com/ low cost lead generation together they encourage and inspire new seekers through an easy to follow training series, showing how http://secretmlmskills.com/?p=924/ low cost lead generation with a solid foundation and the proper tools can guide online networkers to personal happiness and success.
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