Wikipedia defines a get-rich-quick-scheme as a plan to acquire high rates of return for a small investment. Most such schemes promise that participants can obtain this high rate of return with very little risk.

Most get-rich-quick-schemes also promise that little skill, effort or time is required. It is often asserted that wealth can be obtained by working from home. Legal and quasi-legal-get-rich-schemes are frequently advertised on infomercials, in magazines and newspapers, and embedded in various methods of marketing such as forum marketing, article marketing, Hub pages, Squidoo, video marketing, etc. Illegal schemes or scams are often advertised through spam or cold calling. Some forms of adverting for these schemes market books or compact discs about getting rich quicker rather than asking participants to invest directly in a concrete scheme.

Is it possible to get rich quick? Yes it is. But one must be ready to accept a very high level of risk. This is the primary premise of the gambling industry. Gambling, however, offers a near certainty of completely losing the original stake over the long haul, even if it offers regular wins along the way. Economic theory states that risk-free opportunities for profit are not stable, because they will quickly be exploited by arbitrageurs. An arbitrageur is a type of investor who attempts to profit from price inefficiencies in the market by making simultaneous trades that offset each other and capturing risk-free profits. An arbitrageur would, for example, seek out price discrepancies between stocks listed on more than one exchange, and buy the undervalued shares on one exchange while short selling the same number of overvalued shares on another exchange, thus capturing risk-free profits as the prices on the two exchanges converge. Arbitrageurs are typically very experienced investors since arbitrage opportunities are difficult to find and require relatively fast trading.

Arbitrageurs also play an important role in the operation of capital markets, as their efforts in exploiting price inefficiencies keep prices more accurate than they otherwise would be. One can see from this very broad definition what role arbitrageurs play in multilevel marketing. On the one hand there are those who make money by simply selling products, information, systems, etc., regardless as to whether or not the purchaser uses them. Yet, on other hand, there are those who add legitimacy to the industry by providing value and helping associates and affiliates make money by duplicating what they've done.

But let's get back to get-rich-quick-schemes. In the multilevel marketing industry one gets inundated with get- rich-quick-schemes. And just as the definition says, the majority of these schemes promise that you will make a ton of money in little time with little effort. If this were the case, why isn't everyone rich? Since there are so many offers out there, it seems that somebody's making money. But what is the best get-rich-quick-scheme?

I will submit to you that none of them are. Unless you hit the lottery or inherit a fortune, the only surefire way to get rich is to invest your money wisely. Investing comes in many forms. For example, a simple savings account in your local bank is an investment. Buying municipal or savings bonds is an investment. Buying stock is an investment. Making loans is an investment. And with our economy in dire straights, one would be well advised to seek financial guidance before investing huge sums of money.

Lets face it, in multilevel marketing, get-rich-quick-schemes run rampant. Most of them promise that if you do this or try that and the other, you'll quickly make huge sums of money. One would think that since there are so many offers being made, there must some validity to some of them. Truthfully, there are some valid offers out there. But beware, these offers require, deliberate, but not necessarily, hard work. There is also a tremendous learning curve that must take place. The greatest part of this is the fact that you can do this work from the comfort of your home.

If you're looking for a get-rich-quick-scheme in multilevel marketing on the internet, I recommend that instead you look for a scheme or plan that will get you rich. Because of the amount of knowledge you must acquire, you need a blueprint that systematically guides you through the steps that lead to success. Such a blueprint should first give you a complete understanding of marketing on the internet. It should give you guidance as to how to provide value to your prospects lives before attempting to sell them anything. This makes people want to do business with you because they trust and respect you.

Additionally, at a minimum, the blueprint should offer training in the following: Core Marketing fundamentals that include Forum Marketing, Article Marketing, Video Marketing, Squidoo, Hubpagegs, Keyword and Market Research, Facebook Marketing, Ezine Advertising, Google AdWords Pay Per Click (PPC), Facebook PPC Marketing, Social Bookmarking, Banner Ads, Twitter Marketing, and Banner Ads. While this list no all inclusive, learning these marketing techniques will help gain what every internet business must have for success leads/ traffic. You might have the best business in the world, but if no one knows about it, you won't make any money.

Author's Bio: 

Hello everyone, my name is Otis Brown. I am a former educator. I have always been intrigued by the internet. I have the greatest respect for those persons who can navigate it so well. One of my greatest ambitions is to have my own website to generate additional income for my family. To this end, I am looking forward to networking with successful people to learn how I can become more successful in marketing on the internet. I would expect to use what I learn to help others become successful. I think that helping each other is what it’s all about! I am sure that my experiences will be helpful to someone. I look forward to networking with everyone.
I have always been intrigued by the internet. And, I have the greatest respect for those persons who can navigate it so well. I am looking forward to networking with successful people to learn how I can become more successful in marketing on the internet. I would expect to use what I learn to help others become successful. I think that helping each other is what it’s all about! I look forward to networking with everyone.