High Blood Pressure in Brief:
Blood pressure values fluctuate at all hours and are likely to change because of activities. Hypertension can harm any individual and people with a personal history of this ailment are more vulnerable. There aren't any exact reasons discovered per se for this disorder but a couple of likely reasons include:

• Arteriosclerosis

• Excess weight

• Kidney condition

• Panic

• Being diabetic

• Extra use of salt

Hypertension levels apply massive strain on the heart to transport blood within the body, prompting the heart muscle to stiffen contributing to congestive cardiovascular failure. In addition, it might also cause coagulation of the blood vessel walls thus maximizing the risks of heart attack and stroke.

Use Plavix to Treat Heart Conditions:
Plavix (Clopidogrel) facilitates the prevention of blood clots post a current heart attack or stroke. Platelets are primarily blood cells that assist to clot blood. Plavix stops these platelets from staying collective as that could ultimately develop a clot and clog up a vein, creating severe heart disorders.

Plavix tablets are to be consumed together with a glass of normal water. The medical practitioner could ask you to ingest this medicine along with aspirin if needed. It is significant to follow the family doctor's prescription whilst taking Plavix. Moreover, you may need to undertake blood examinations frequently to look for any negative effects and to track development.

Adverse Reactions & Interactions:
Ahead of having Plavix, convey to your healthcare professional if you happen to use the medicines stated below:

• Prozac or Luvox
• Blood thinners such as Warfarin
• Any seizure medications
• Intelence
• Stomach acid reducers like Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix or Tagamet
• Nolvadex
• Drugs to prevent blood clotting like Ticlid, Activase or Persantine
• Anti-fungal medications such as Nizoral, Vfend or Diflucan

Few undesirable effects can be observed in the course of treatment, which are minimal in nature and lessen progressively:

• Cough or sore throat

• Nausea

• Mild headache

• Fever

• Stomach discomfort

• Weakness

• Diarrhoea

Generic Plavix Safety Measures:
1. Well before taking Plavix, it's vital to notify the healthcare professional, should you be allergic to Clopidogrel or suffer from the following illnesses:

• Liver or kidney disease
• Bleeding or blood clotting disorder like haemophilia
• History of stroke
• Stomach ulcer

2. When treatment commences, one must not use certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Aleve, Naprosyn, Motrin, Advil, Relafen, Feldene, Voltaren, Mobic, Indocin, Toradol etc. without speaking to the medical expert.

3. Refrain from drinking alcohol or consume minimum amounts.

4. Women who are carrying a child, aiming to fall pregnant or nursing a baby should ask the doctor prior to consuming Plavix.

Author's Bio: 

Plavix tablets which are available in dosage strengths of 75 mg and 300 mg should be stored at a temperature range of 15-30 degrees Celsius. Check the expiry date before purchase and make sure that you keep the medicine away from children and pets. As it is prescribed for a specific condition, Plavix should not be shared with other members of the family.