Mind, Body, Soul
Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Guide and Teacher
Michelle Morovaty
If you believe in past lives, then you believe that you've lived as other identities before in the past.
Many lives, many roles and many roles, many lives.
What role are you playing in this life time around?
Are you playing one, or two or more........
And are you happy with these roles?
Would you like to change your role?
Have you had enough of the confusion between the roles that you play?
Or, are you fully satisfied with your role?
Is there room for you to grow in your role?
Are you open to growing?
Do you know how?
Are you meditating? And does your role contain any room for God?
I wonder how God feels and perceives our roles? I wonder if God, all mighty is happy with the roles played on earth?
What do you think? Many questions and yet a statement within each question.
If you where God looking at you from within, all around and up above, would you be happy with your role in this lifetime?
There is always room and a chance for change and transformation if your will is for a better life.
For with God, the Divine love and light of our hearts, all things are possible.
Today I encourage you to be honest with yourself. Go deep within to inquire about yourself.
Look deep within your heart. Notice if there is room for change. If there is, then by all means say to yourself,
"I have the will to change" "I have the power to change" "I have the ability to change" "I can transform my life to one of
satisfaction with my Creator" "I am supported" "God loves me" "I am protected" "I am committed to loving myself"
"I am ready, willing and able to change my role from one of unhappiness to happiness and I am claiming my truth Now".
Say what comes from your heart to God. Perhaps you want to say, "I love you God". Relax in the arms of Infinite Love and allow God to bathe you with Peace.
Speak sincerely and authentically to your Soul. And allow God to heal those parts of you that need healing.
Only because you are so worth it. And so it is. Amen.
Michelle is an Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Guide,Teacher, Master Dahn Yoga Healer, Wellness Coach, and Writer. She is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, Master Time Line Therapy and Master Hypnotherapist. Certified brain Management Consultant. She is a Certified Reiki and Pranic Healer. Michelle experienced her inner awakening to her True Self, the God within, as she learned to heal herself from Lupus CNS in 2002. Since then she is guided from within, as a channel for the light, guiding others in their healing process Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually. Her life purpose is to support and awaken people to their True Selves, the Power within and to cause and create Oneness inside and out. Michelle also connects to the Spiritual World for assistance where Love is the essence of Truth and Oneness.
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