There are many reasons why it is helpful to use a meditation timer. For those who are learning the art of relaxation and letting all the thoughts go, it helps to have a reminder of when to begin and to bring one back into focus when the session is done. There are many forms of this device. Some products can be purchased and used like an alarm. Others can be uploaded onto a desktop, laptop or mobile device.

The need for a device with meditation bells comes from the belief that one must use a specific symbol to signify when the relaxation period begins and a different sound when it ends. The enso, or Japanese circle, is one device specifically designed to gently remind a person when to begin the relaxation exercise and when to become aware of the surroundings again. The face includes a single solid bar the counts down the time, in a clockwise direction.

The main feature of any timer for meditation is the type of bell used to signal the beginning and end of sessions. It should sound more like a chime than an alarm clock ring. The chime helps to get one in the mood or more prepared for a session of relaxation. Regardless of which mode or device is used for timing, the meditation bells should make a sound that is very pleasant and does not startle one back into reality. The key is subtlety.

While the enso model is prices just under $100, some people may find this too pricey. There are less expensive models available at around $65, that are shaped like a pyramid in wood. They use a gong sound rather than a chime. This is perfectly acceptable as well, as it is not an alarming sound, but one that is very subtle. There are many digital devices for sale, but most do not use a subtle signal or alarm. To make a room especially inviting, one may choose a stylish bamboo zen alarm, which also relies on chimes. This type of product can also be used as a regular alarm.

For those who want to use an application on computer or other mobile device, there are many programs that can be downloaded for free. There are plenty of choices in the times and other features the user may want. Such programs are designed for relaxation and typically use chimes, gongs or a combination of sounds, to signal the beginning and end of a session.

Relaxation that completely takes the mind of all thoughts and the day's activities is useful for all family members. It can be practiced with everyone in a single room, or with each member having his or her own space for the quiet time of reflection. There are some critical aspects that should be taken into account.

! All sources of background noise should be eliminated, as much as possible.
! A pleasant sounding alarm or chime should be used to signal the beginning and end of each session.
! A comfortable mat or seating area on the floor should be made available.
! Time should be set aside each day, to allow for proper relaxation to take place.

By keeping these details in mind, anyone can learn to completely let go for a short period of time each day. When one becomes more proficient, shorter times of 5 minutes or less can also be enjoyed at the office or in other places away from home.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Wehr has learned a lot about meditation practices and how timers can help.