Memory is the process of retaining, storing and recalling of the life experiences and informations.Knowledge is required for learning and memory is required for the knowledge to work when required. There are two types of memory one is short term which for short duration of time-a millisecond to few minutes and a long term memory which stays for a longer durations and is permanent in nature. Short term memory can become long term memory when attention is laid on it and repetition is done. For different things two other types of memory are used like declarative memory which is used to remember facts and numbers while procedural memory is used to remember procedures like how to ride a bicycle, drive a car etc.

Is loss of memory normal thing in aging?

When a person enters into older ages the speed to process the visual and sensory information decreases. Some people forget the names of their children also. While some have a good memory power and they remember the old things as well. If the person does not have the major diseases then memory can be improved in the old age as well.

How can memory be enhanced with aging?

The first thing to increase the memory in older ages is to stay motivated .You have to keep your mind active and do brain exercise and give support for the best possible functioning of the brain. The focus should be on one thing at a time when you are trying to increase your memory. If you will try to implement too many changes simultaneously then it will lead to a failure. The behavioral changes that are required should be realistic. Try to choose between positive behavioral changes for you that will lead to increase your memory.

Tips to enhance memory in older age

The promotion of the mental functioning should be optimal and it requires mental exercise, good diet, social support, relaxation and breathing exercises, lot of water intake and sleep. The area that should be considered while enhancing memory is explained as follows:

Try new things: Try to do new things as this will require new skills and the development of new skills will lead to increase your memory power. The brain cells will grow when you will challenge yourself into new activities.

Social Support: Social gatherings lead to interactions among people which will make a person out of the depression of his or her personal life.

Good diet: The balanced diet having all the vitamins and minerals should be taken as this will enhance your memory power. The folic acid, vitamin B 12 and thiamin increase the memory. Gingko a dietary supplement can be taken by any person as it increase the flow of blood of a person and improves the memory power.

Breathing Exercises: The breathing exercises helps to relive the tension and relaxes the body.When the body is relaxed then chances of deterroting memory reduces.

Water: Deficiency of water leads to problems of memory so water intake should be as much as possible.

Sleep: When a person is sleeping the brain has a decreasing input of sensory which the brains sorts between all the experiences and increase the memory. In addition to this yoga and meditation is very good for enhancing memory.

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