Everything happens for a reason. Most people have an unfilled sense of longing for something they just can never quite put their finger on. Our modern world is so full of technological distractions that it becomes nearly impossible to hear the inner voice that comes from somewhere deep inside you. What most people lack is a spiritual completeness, a personal connection to the rest of our vast and awesome cosmos.

There are very few people that can rally the clarity of thought to even come to the realization that are living a life with a piece missing, a spiritual void that seems to leave them always unsatisfied and searching. The key is to recognize the answer when you see it, and to boldly take the reins and chart your own path. When you are looking at the answer you must distinguish it from the noise and take action. Opportunities frequently present themselves but none of them remain available for long.

Where your path leads may surprise you. My own spiritual journey has featured more twists and turns then a game of chutes and ladders. I am still curiously in the dark as to where it will lead but I am resolutely determined and extremely curious to find out.

Luckily we each do not have to chart this passage in ignorance. People have been trying to answer the basic questions of life, the universe, and everything for many thousands of years. While their results have arguably been a mixed bag of good and sub par, there is gold to found amid the garbage. 99% of the battle is simply filtering out the harebrained pipe dreams passed off as spiritual guidance. As in anything else, if it sounds too good to be true then you can safely bet it is false.

In the spirit of this maxim when I started my own journey I examined many religious systems and philosophical frameworks. Many sounded fantastic if only they were true. All claimed they were superior to the others but offered no proof, only reliance on faith and wishful thinking. Well as my grandfather used to say “wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up faster.” Actually he didn’t say spit. In any event wishful thinking will lead you away from the goal of truth not towards it.

So I resolved to make the foundation of my religious beliefs based on the firmest foundation known to humankind. A foundation which has not only is the direct cause of saving billions of people’s lives but also without which the very technology on which you read my words would not exist. That foundation is called the scientific method. It is really just a fancy way of saying trial and error. If something works keep it, if not discard it. This has been applied to almost all areas of human activity except curiously to religious and spiritual pursuits.

I call this concept Spiritual Humanism. It does not stand as rejection of any supernatural belief but rather as acceptance of only ideas that possesses valid, reproducible proof. Anything is possible but without proof we cannot pretend that it exists.

Some people discover that deep down inside they want to cast away the illusions they have been saddled with and make spiritually meaningful, and real connection to the cosmos. If you feel this calling then you can investigate the Church of Spiritual Humanism’s free minister ordination. This is the answer you have been seeking.

Author's Bio: 

R.A. Zorger is the president of the Church of Spiritual Humanism where you may be be ordained online a s a minister free of charge.